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aliasravyn, ori
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positives list, at least, five, positives, here[break]
negatives list, at least, five, negatives, here


you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

honestly, it might be cliche, but all the friends i've made through the various sites i've joined over the years! namely and , simply because i've known both of them for the longest time before the obvious choice! [break][break]

care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

...... who? no but really wut [break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

can i do the opposite? i'm partially colorblind, which means i can see certain colors. red isn't one of them, unfortunately. but, what i do see are some pretty shades of gray. some can have hues of purple in them, hues of blue depending on how close in the spectrum they are. i can't see red or green, but i can differenciate between the two of them. though, i guess i have an advantage since i haven't been colorblind all my life. rather, i could once see the colors, before gradually becoming unable to see them. despite that, i remember the color. the vibrant shades and how they transition into the light shades of pink and purple. [break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?


who were the last five people you spoke to?

, ct discord, my coworker, a cute asf puppy oops that's only four people today



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last edit on Jul 12, 2018 16:13:54 GMT by rav⭑
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
419written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
i have the weekend off, which means i might end up getting back into breath of the wild because i miss it.

another note: there's been a puppy at work all week and i'm pretty sure i have what most people would equate to the reaction one would get with a new born. babies are gross to me oops. but she's so cute and cuddle and i want a puppy to bad
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
419written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
this weekend was a good weekend and one i absolutely needed. finished watched violet evergarden (aka got my heart ripped out of my chest), got about six hours worth of pokemon go in (claimed a gym, twice. now calling it our gym) and tbh, i probably would never have done it without my best friend moving up here letting me drag them out.
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
419written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
the only one i can think of off the top of my head right now is violet evergarden i've had to watch it in pieces because i've cried at the end of every episode and my heart hurts as i finish it. it hurts so good

on a completely different level of ultimate feels, the adventure zone has made me tear up and laugh all at the same time.
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
419written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
i got to snuggle a puppy today and now all i want in life is a puppy. puppy fever in full swing.

on another note, for the first time in.. ten years, i'll actually have a pair of sunglasses that don't fit awkwardly on my face because they sit on top of my actual glasses.

AND ONE MORE THING. i finally got through the stolen century on the adventure zone, and i'm in the final stretch. i'm so close to the end. i'm so ready, but also not becaue i love all these characters so much.
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
419written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
good morning world! the heat wave's finally passed, it's rainy today, and i can finally close my jaw without intense pain!! it feels like a monday, but it's a friday, though honestly i'm feeling... extremely happy and excited about today! i even made a to-do list of what i want to do, even if i end up not following said to-do list. at least it's there for reference!