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Alright, so. I'm brand new to doing things this way - typically speaking whenever I've built or assisted in building a forum in the few instances where I've done so it's been through friends who've already been on board with broad ideas or things we've brainstormed together as a group. That said, Pokemon forums seem to be a dying breed and the ones I've found have either just not scratched that itch or had scenarios/mechanics/limitations that just didn't do it for me. So, I'm here with this.

As you can probably tell from this post I'm not much of a coder. Good enough to alter the bare basics on templates if I play enough with them but that's about it. Generally speaking the areas I've been big on and have contributed most to forums have been in the story writing, world building and the construction/maintenance of battle systems and mechanics - and aside from that heavy emphasis on the moderation front.

Which is why this might be a big ask, and I know it. I'm out of my depth with coding and Discord management, and if I want to undertake this project I'm going to need help with both. Specifically the skinning and graphical side of things as most of my experience is on Proboards and I'd be looking to likely build such a forum on Jcink just due to it offering more powerful tools for profile management/automated shop systems.

As far as actual site concept goes, I've a few ideas. I'm no stranger to that aspect - myself and a couple of friends built and maintained Pokemon Epoch for a number of years before real life responsibilities forced us to shut down, and the place was successful enough for the members to request access to assets and permission to use them to continue the forum in another form as Pokemon Horizons for another two years. That said, part of the reason I'm looking for people is also to have other voices and opinions in the room, contesting ideas and values that'll avoid any site that gets built from being created in an echo chamber without consideration for what other people may want.

I've gotten some work done on some minor things ages ago when I had time, but it's only recently that I've begun putting serious thought into building a new site on the ashes of the old.

If anyone happens to be interested, I'm linking a (temporary?) Discord server below that I can keep an eye on as the day goes by, otherwise I'll be checking in here on the regular if people don't trust that or don't have Discord for whatever reason.

Questions of any sort are more than welcome.
last edit on Oct 16, 2023 16:41:36 GMT by slate