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foxtrottearned bits
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So y'all know DD the foster shithead, right? After over a year with me, DD found her forever home.

A few weeks ago, I got a call from a lovely mom who was looking for another bird to add to her flock. She wanted a cuddly bird. DD loves to cuddle, sure, but considering the bite wounds she's left, she's not for everyone. I let her come over with one of her kids to meet DD, and, despite both of them getting bit hard enough to bleed significantly, they fell in love.

DD left for her forever home on Monday. I'm not gonna lie--I cried. A lot. I'm crying a little bit reading this. But if you're on the fence about fostering a bird, or dog, or any animal, do it. Seeing the look of adoration on her new owner's face was absolutely worth it.
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foxtrottearned bits
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is there a way to anti-like this

There is only bowing before the glory of the pineapple and its bromelain powers.

see the thing I don't get is like

animals don't see a porcupine or thistle and go "imma core that bitch and then spend a ridiculous amount of time shaving off the spines just to partake in its Moist Citrus"

so why the heckity do humans do it

we are not Gods. we should not eat Pineapple
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foxtrottearned bits
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Sorry for the ignorance, but could you adopt her yourself?

Don't be sorry! I'm always happy to talk more about parrots.

I absolutely could adopt DD for myself. However, she turns 21 this September, and she could live up to 50 more years. As a single adult living in my mom's basement, I don't know if I'll be in a position where I can take care of her in 5 years, let alone 50. It would be incredibly irresponsible of me to adopt a bird like DD without the knowledge that I could provide her with a stable home for the rest of her life.

That's why I'm just fostering for now. Maybe once I move out and have a stable career, I can adopt, but til then, I'm just an inbetween til DD finds her forever home. <3
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foxtrottearned bits
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ok so there are 3 dogs in my house but none of them are considered mine so here's my one and only foster pet, DD the insufferable fuckimg asshole

looks cute huh? you're right, she's goddam adorable. she's also a HUGE BITCH. WHY, YOU ASK?

    [*]the only word she says on command is "ow" as in "owch". that's the word she's heard the most. she came pre-installed with that word and she'll say that after she bites you
    [*]she bites you and then laughs about it
    [*]she likes to be scratched on the head, but only if you go "scratchie scratchie scratchie" continuously while doing so. otherwise, she will Bite
    [*]she Hates Toys but boy will she destroy your desk, phone case, paper towels, books, etc
    [*]6-7pm is scream o clock. No Exceptions
    [*]she has bad taste in music and sings to kpop
    [*]it's not even singing, she just goes "la la laaa" in a super quiet voice
    [*]she is a 10/10 cuddler until she bites
    [*]she can't control her biting. genuinely. I've worked with dozens of parrots and she's the fuckin worst biter ever
    [*]she gives me a reason to get up before noon every day
    [*]she forces me to work to feed her
    [*]she encourages me to eat healthy so she can eat what I'm eating
    [*]she's gorgeous

tl;dr I love her and I'm gonna cry when somebody adopts her

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foxtrottearned bits
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speaking of wow, fun fact: i'm actually in the newest expansion as a vendor LOL my bff works on the content team and she ran out of names so she used mine
funner fact: i sell alcohol in it

League of Legends is my fuckin crack because I hate myself, but no matter how long I go without playing it, I'll always go back to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. I'm in Spring Year 4 of Stardew and I'm just so happy with my farm.


66written posts
foxtrottearned bits
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that's some aesthetic-ass shit right there broseph ๐Ÿ‘€

I've got a bit of staffing experience and a bit of real-life people management experience, so, if you're super desperate for people, I'd be able to help? I'd love to see how it turns out, regardless. It sounds like a neat idea.

66written posts
foxtrottearned bits
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hewwo i am a tiny widdle wowe pwayer

Hi, my name's FoxTrott. I like birds. I've been in the jcink/proboards RP community for like... a little over ten years at this point? So I might as well get involved in the overarching community.

Uh. I helped run a site back when I was like, 14. That was a horrible time. Now I'm thinking of running my own, but that likely won't happen for a while, so in the meantime, I'm just kinda here.

Here's a gif.