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Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
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last edit on Apr 26, 2021 22:06:38 GMT by pharaoh leap
77written posts
Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
Can’t I ever wait to finish a thing before starting a new one? Like here I am casually going back and forth between 9 projects while looking at getting more supplies for two more projects orz.
77written posts
Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
My craving for a heavy sci-fi pokemon universe has been flairing up like crazy. The kind with loads of cloning, augmentations, robots and ai. So there def will be pokemorphs and they will be horrible.
77written posts
Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
pharaoh leap Avatar
Mouse Avatar
Well you could have a majority of the plot be centralized in one location. Such as the city your Federal Bureau of Control or SCP Foundation main headquarters is located. With a few boards set aside for doing mission outside of city.

You lean a bit more into Control than SCP. You could have people bonding with Objects of Power that give them special abilities.

I definitely think it's an awesome premise a site.
Oooooh, gotcha. I was thinking more... containment breach-type stuff, but there's so much anonymity of the Foundation itself that trying to RP characters working within it seemed a little difficult - either because it would be too confusing to RP in an organization that's kept vague for the mystery and uncertainty, or you lose a lot of that fancy mystery when trying to explain how things work well enough for members to properly RP in those roles.

I'm not familiar with Control at all, but I do like the idea of an RP set in a town next to a Foundation site - something kinda like Stranger Things, honestly, where you have the unsuspecting town, and unfathomable monsters escaping from a government-controlled facility into the wild/population. Could stir up a lot of drama with the amnesia-inductions or necessary deaths that people don't even remember after an incident is correctly "contained".

Yoooooooo I’m 100% down for this! This is like my jam, my main squeeze, my kink!

Also I feel like I should mention this, but the entire state of Massachusetts is an scp. sooooo if there’s anywhere to make for a setting for a scp type rp then why not an scp. -lenny face-
Monster Hunter RP written Jul 24, 2019 2:26:43 GMT via mobile
77written posts
Billz billz billz
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Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
Ooomph! Life is runing at 150mph right now. Not much has progressed really so I’m going to safely assume the site won’t be completed till mid fall. With this in mind I’m changing up ideas to fit the season. A different boss monster will be designed and folk will start off in a different location so the next location added to the site will also revolve around the wintery season!

I might open up a smaller part of the site early as a testing ground for certain systems to see what stays and what goes. And those that are there for the testing will get to keep all rewards gained in the beta.

Firm regulations have be set for the site. It’ll be “animanga” or more like art based fcs so no rl fcs. Original art will be allowed as long as you are the owner or creator of the design. Folk can also opt out from having a fc if they choose. There will also be casual monthly or bimonthly activity checks with no ic post requirements as well as no word count or character limit and a pretty lax character apps where you can write little or a lot.
Admin Pet-peeves written Jul 19, 2019 21:20:05 GMT via mobile
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Billz billz billz
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Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
wolfe Avatar
I do one @everyone ping a month on average -- and sometimes even zero. These are basically literally only for site-wide events or site-wide changes.

Nothing grinds my gears more than people who have obviously not read them and ask me to summarize what is in them in the help channel after I post it. It's one thing if there's a specific part I worded poorly and I could see how someone could ask a question, but it's another thing if what they're asking is literally two lines down in bold letters and it's 100% obvious they didn't bother to even open the thread.

Older threads? Sure, it's whatever. I made the docs and I forget sometimes which ones I have up from 6 months ago -- it happens. Literally yesterday? Nah fam, you and I both know you didn't read it.

If you mean in discord, a lot of folk turn off the @everyone notification (myself included) and I feel it has a lot to do with some servers not disabling the ability for non-staff to use it thus spamming the crap out of it. A server my friend and I run use a verified member role to @ them so they don’t have much of an excuse to not see them. It seems to work. It’s not the greatest solution but it’s something. But yeah, not sure if this is even the slightest but helpful so sorry if it ends up just being a bother.
Monster Hunter RP written Jul 14, 2019 2:04:27 GMT via mobile
77written posts
Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
Just another quick shoutout that this site is still not dead and being worked on. I’m a slow site builder plus been hella busy so...yeah orz

Weapon crafting is getting pretty fun, at least for me as all sorts of abilities can pop-up when you toss up random crafting items at the forge. Ecology is coming along well. Even forming entries for future monsters in anticipation. Though knowing me, I’m writing up too much. Working out the first sitewide monster hunt and its design. Monsters will be made playable as their own characters as well as some fun npcs are being writen out which all members are free to rp with. My personal fave is a fellow fyline who lends a big paw in explaining everything and a monsterous campsite guardian which ya’ll will know more of next time.

Aaaaand cooking up a ‘design your own monster’ contest for the site’s opening. It should be an easy going voting type contest with the winning monster becoming canon. But this won’t happen for a while. orz

Oh also as a mild heads up! This site will be designed to be laidback with no required post activity. So while fun events are being run to help develop the site and open new settings, members are not required to participate.
Monster Hunter RP written Jun 26, 2019 15:13:30 GMT via mobile
77written posts
Billz billz billz
Junior Member
Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
Just making a quick post here to let everyone know the site is still a working progress! (And so the thread doesn’t get archived)

I’ll be sure to make my next post a more detailed one with more info on actual content I’ve finalized for the site. And thankfully not much is left for it other than a bunch of rewriting, monster info, graphics, and my favorite part! Coding!!!

I’ll likely set up a server when a major bulk of the info is done and finalized and all that’s really left is to code the skin. (I get very one track-minded so I need to leave that for last). But once the server goes up folk will be able to see the more finalized stuff and even be able to start creating characters as well as give any fredback. (Feedback is def most important orz).

But yeah, def look to seeing that next post with a whole lotta fun info and stuff!!!