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9written posts
Lumiearned bits
New Member
Lumi Avatar
wordless spells like moths dancing on my tongue
i can't wait for kena: bridge of spirits to come out so that someone (anyone, please guys) makes a board for it ๐Ÿฅบ

unrelated to this post but i wanted to add: stay safe! i hope things turn out well, whatever they may be! & u're a wholesome qt
9written posts
Lumiearned bits
New Member
Lumi Avatar
wordless spells like moths dancing on my tongue

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ability healer



sweet kiss

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","fairy-m"]fairy[break]confuses target


[attr="class","status"][attr="class","normal-m"]normal[break]heals 1/2 max hp

heal pulse

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","psychic-m"]psychic[break]heals 1/2 max hp

egg bomb

[attr="class","physical"][attr="class","normal-m"]normal[break]100 pwr

light screen

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","psychic-m"]psychic[break]1/2 incoming sp dmg


[attr="class","status"][attr="class","normal-m"]normal[break]puts target to sleep




ability prankster



fairy lock

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","fairy-m"]fairy[break]no one can escape

metal sound

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","steel-m"]steel[break]enemy's sp def -2

crafty shield

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","fairy-m"]fairy[break]protects from status

mirror shot


draining kiss



[attr="class","status"][attr="class","rock-m"]rock[break]entry hazard



roto loto

ability levitate




[attr="class","status"][attr="class","electric-m"]electric[break]pwr up electric



confuse ray

[attr="class","status"][attr="class","ghost-m"]ghost[break]confuses target



shadow ball





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[attr="id","spotlight"]lumi of pp














last edit on Dec 5, 2019 5:04:04 GMT by Lumi
9written posts
Lumiearned bits
New Member
Lumi Avatar
wordless spells like moths dancing on my tongue
picture this: a slice-of-life youtuber rp, where your character starts a channel on whatever it is that they're interested in or excel atโ€”music, videogames, sports, traveling, crazy or not-so-crazy paranormal theories, you name it. maybe they've made it big, or maybe they've just started their channel and are in the process of gathering followers. it could be something very chill with the possibility of really short but wholesome posts, for people who don't have a lot of time to spare for deeply elaborate posts or for people who are tired of traditional storytelling. it could also turn toxic... i know trolls are fun to play.

you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it.

now, characters don't necessarily have to be social media celebrities in order to participate in this kind of rp. where there are youtubers, there must be followers who watch, comment, and share their videos. the site would focus on celebrity/follower relationships as much as relationships inside different groups of youtubers. maybe, if that's the development you want to give your character, they may be put into the youtube spotlight by interacting with popular content creators; or your character may be the silent supporter with whom the youtuber would not have attained the popularity they have.

events can be made to help characters interact even more. say there's a gaming convention, where reviewers and let'splayers get vip invitations but any other character gets to attend as a normal visitor. even if it's not within a character's budget to travel across the globe for a con, participation can be made through social media. there's an interesting duality in what can be done with a setting like this that needs to be exploited.