Silent Solitude

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A blend of sci-fi and high fantasy, Silent Solitude takes place centuries after humanity cracked Pandoras Box apart. Unfathomable magic spilt forth, and all human life has disappeared. Set in a world overrun with magic, and advanced technology of the past world, Silent Solitude offers a vast amount of creative freedom, a member focused drive that can shape the very world, but also has a progression and ranking system so one can track how strong one’s character has become. The world is your sandbox, with your character being the constructor to it. We offer both a dark fantasy/sci-fi atmosphere, as well as a slice of life Stardew-Valley esque system, depending on your personal preference.

Your actions, or lack thereof will shape this world. Venture forth into the unknown, or remain content with where you have awaken. The choice is yours. This place is the creation of your story. There are many like you, but also unlike you. There will be some to help you weave your story, and there may be some to bring it to ruins. So my child? What will you do? Whatever the case, your destiny begins here.


Silent Solitude will have two playable races to begin with, with more options to come as the roleplay progresses, and new species are discovered.

Demi-Human: The following evolution of humankind that possess abilities that many would consider to be mythical. These Demi-Humans have no idea of how they obtained their powers, or why they have woken up with no knowledge of their past. Only collectively known as DEMI-HUMAN due to a small label-esque tattoo found on their bodies. Their appearances are highly diverse however, having generally basic mutations compared to the average human, such as horns, odd skin coloration (crimson, green, etc), or a variety of other markers that present them as being something more than human. Of course, some Demi-Humans don’t have any special traits, and just appear to be human. However; abilities can differ in nature. While some Demi-Humans use magic, others may have an evolutionary mutation that grants them supernatural abilities, and some Demi-Humans can have cybernetic limbs, making the nature of their powers quite hard to define. They are also adorned in a variety of different clothing, allowing some to look more futuristic, others looking modern, and even some appearing to be from a fantasy world.

Daemons: Daemons, originally Androids were dubbed by the residence of the post-apocalyptic world as such due to them lacking souls and magic ability, have long awaited the awakening of Demi-humans. However; there do exist corrupted variant of Daemons, ones who have been active for so long that they'd been corrupted and turned into mindless machines. Androids were synthesized from a hard, yet lightweight plastic aimed to replicate humans to the full. Their appearances can be just as varied as Demi-Humans due to the mass amount of customizable parts issued for Daemons. They also possess their own set of powers, but are rather mechanical and cybernetic in nature as opposed to the Demi-Human's mixed gifts.

NPC Races can range from anything you'd find in DnD, or a Sci-Fi world.

Site Systems

Starting simply there's lives, and a hitpoint system. Silent Solitude offers a Respawn due to the lore found within the site, so death doesn't entirely mean the ending of your character's playtime. And you only take damage when a check of talents fails (explained below)

The systems are pretty streamlined, with Talents being the most important part of your character. Talents are basically a skill tree with jobs in it that your character knows how to do well, such as building, leading, fighting, etc. Talents will allow your character the upmost freedom, as well as an in depth character creation process. Basically talents can change what a characters gets out of the site, do you feel like building a settlement that you will then be the mayor of? Doing that is just as possible as being an aimless wanderer with a talent for swordsmanship. Talents also exist upon a check system to make sure the site is balanced, and combat talents dont have to be compared to other combat talents depending on how creative you are with your check. Basically the goal of Silent Solitude is create systems that have a lasting impact upon the world, and where actual job types matter for your character as opposed to just being flavor text. Think of Silent Solitude as an MMO, where farming can be just as rewarding as combat.

Skills/Power: Next your character has skills and power. Skills are subsets of both talents, as well as your character's power. You can start with say, Black Magic, and have a skill which summons a bolt of lightning underneath the Energy talent, or you can have a skill that boosts your ability to irrigate a field. Powers are a constant theme that makes your character stand out, such as Manipulations of elements, mutations, weapon affinity, and a magical companion.

Thread types; Finally there's thread types which are all rewarding in different ways. Discovery, Establishments, Quests. Discovery threads will allow you to discover more locations in the post world, Establishments will allow you to build towns, bases, factions, gangs, even empires. While Quests are basically missions and events. All help define the world that characters are in, making Silent Solitude have an exceptional member drive.

Questions? This is a very rough draft of Silent Solitude, so feel free to ask me questions that can be answered if you're curious about something the site has to offer.
last edit on Sept 27, 2018 13:50:25 GMT by NULL
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