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pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
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ophiuchusearned bits
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gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
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I have an incredibly strong hankering for a wild west rp, based off of Red Dead Redemption, Westworld, etc. Bandits, hard-up sheriffs, outlaws-turned-vigilantes, the whole shebang! If you wanted to mix it up a little, you could even throw a dash of fantasy in there with specialty characters like shamans or witches, who have magical abilities like healing, fire manipulation, or control of animals.

Unfortunately, I feel like the western genre is not a popular one to roleplay. I never see any, which is a huge shame.
this but post-apoc, so westworld/red dead/fallout. gimme gimme gimme.
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ophiuchus Avatar
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I have an incredibly strong hankering for a wild west rp, based off of Red Dead Redemption, Westworld, etc. Bandits, hard-up sheriffs, outlaws-turned-vigilantes, the whole shebang! If you wanted to mix it up a little, you could even throw a dash of fantasy in there with specialty characters like shamans or witches, who have magical abilities like healing, fire manipulation, or control of animals.

Unfortunately, I feel like the western genre is not a popular one to roleplay. I never see any, which is a huge shame.
this but post-apoc, so westworld/red dead/fallout. gimme gimme gimme.

Fallout: New Vegas RP, go.
Rodent King
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where fears and lies melt away.
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I'm actually thinking about making a fantasy site that uses inspiration from a small variety of franchises, Suikoden being one of them. :3 I'll try to keep this in mind. -Sparkles-

Edit: (also, I really love it when I come across other suikoden fans because not many people I know know it. *w*)

Just reading that has made my week. I actually wasn't even sure anyone was going to know what I was talking about when I posted. Suikoden is such a niche franchise when it comes to RPGs. Really under appreciate imo.

On a side note if you need any help with that site... just saying I've got nothing but free time on my hands.
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slyearned bits
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I have an incredibly strong hankering for a wild west rp, based off of Red Dead Redemption, Westworld, etc. Bandits, hard-up sheriffs, outlaws-turned-vigilantes, the whole shebang! If you wanted to mix it up a little, you could even throw a dash of fantasy in there with specialty characters like shamans or witches, who have magical abilities like healing, fire manipulation, or control of animals.

Unfortunately, I feel like the western genre is not a popular one to roleplay. I never see any, which is a huge shame.
Sadly it isn't a popular genre and that's a damn shame. Trigun was the first rp board that I ever joined so I would love to take a trip down memory lane with the genre. I even have a few FCs in mind for just such an occasion.

Perhaps make a Trigun AU? I mean there's a chance that it would survive on both genre and name alone.
Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I'd love to see another Log Horizon site. It's a very fun setting and I'm a sucker for crafting and gathering in MMO's. Not having to worry about perma death was nice, too.
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Personified animals/kemonomimi rp. Whether like zootopia but with shapeshifters, more like animal crossing, just a slice of life with kemonomimis, ancient tribal, or honestly whatever.

I wanna play off the dynamics of characters resisting wilder instincts. Like, you're a wolf girl but that doesn't mean you can take a bite of your new deer college roommate. Even if he looks tasty. That's a bad dog, maybe you just wanna take him out for dinner. Not the alternative. 

I also think things like tails and ears give such a large amount of fun reactions. Like, your character is acting all tough, but his tail is tucked between his legs. <-- Fun visual cues to play with. i am weeb ok, and there is such a large amount of cute fanart of kemonomimis

I even have a site made for this sitting unused, and another all written up on Gaia, but I just don't have the energy to admin two places at once. </3 
someone do it for me lol

the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
348written posts
tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
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I'd enjoy something with an old school final fantasy vibe to it, or even just a site using the FF fandom as reference with its own original world but with familiar things like chobowhats, moogles, and classes rather than the usual panfandom/canon character mashups that final fantasy sites tend to do.

i mean. it's an entire mmo based around the concept of working and interacting with the world with your own ocs and i know i saw a site start and die on this and just. why has someone not picked this up, this makes me sad, someone please, i beg you, just do it.
YES. YES. Y E S. ALL OF MY YES. I'm hoping to resubscribe for September and i haven't played for 200+ days (not counting that free 7 days from the returnee event) and I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE.
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is there any way to do an anime/manga incredibles rp? or teen titans? Or something based in a big city with heroes and villians and great character development sprinkled with fights and fluffy moments?

I also really want an roleplay where characters are at a camp or on a college campus

also screaming FRUITS BASKET RP

last edit on Aug 13, 2018 2:58:49 GMT by Deleted
pronounsshe / her
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illuminationearned bits
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I stand alone in this house of glass
I remember reading a book two or three years ago in high school called Poet Anderson of Nightmares and to be honest, I think a site based around a dream word or the concept of lucid dreaming would be super cool? Like sign me up for that too please! 

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