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Lux Lucet in Tenebris
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Jacobearned bits
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I've been playing a lot of Breath Of The Wild since I bought my Switch. It's honestly so good and makes want an AU Zelda rp set in that world. There could still be canons and stuff but maybe take away Link? I feel like anyone playing that role would just get too much attention. Or maybe just make em NPCs run by staff?

I dunno, all I know is I want an AU Zelda roleplay.

The last board I was on was alternative Legend of Zelda.  My character got to be a sixteen-year-old half-human and half-Minish sopranista.  Unfortunately, that game died a few months later.  Just the same, I'd be up for this.
last edit on Jun 17, 2019 3:35:00 GMT by Jacob
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
i remember my days in gaiaonline when everyone would come up with a damn new 'foods, but personified!' or 'elements, but personified!' oooor 'weapons, but personified!' kind of roleplay and i loved those. they were fairly simple but someone could plug some deeper plot to it and make it amazing, i think. i just revel in the idea of making some 'ketchup' girl or 'dante's sword' person. any  !?!?!??
last edit on Jun 16, 2019 2:36:53 GMT by honey and the forgor land
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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I've been playing a lot of Breath Of The Wild since I bought my Switch. It's honestly so good and makes want an AU Zelda rp set in that world. There could still be canons and stuff but maybe take away Link? I feel like anyone playing that role would just get too much attention. Or maybe just make em NPCs run by staff?

I dunno, all I know is I want an AU Zelda roleplay.
I've always wanted to see a LOZ AU site where the chosen ones are not Link, Zelda, Ganon.. but rather 3 other characters whose personalities are just misunderstood.. Or.. Something else entirely, where "the force" wielders are unknown, but are hinted at.
Like maybe the Triforce of Power be an actual good guy, and Wisdom be the one who touched the triforce and wasn't pure enough. I mean the story is "Whomever touches the Triforce inherits the one most represent them, the rest find new wielders."

added as after thought: But yeah LOZ Survival Apocalyptic would be an interesting rp.. Plus the Evil Sheikah cult would be great to roleplay.
last edit on Jun 16, 2019 5:00:09 GMT by Ginger
8written posts
snakeearned bits
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i am still waiting for that demon slayer: kimetsu no yaiba rp. what not to love?? japan. 1920s. demons. weird people wearing tengu masks. fighting techniques based on breathing. a guy who thinks he is a boar. demons struggling with their insecurities and feelings. weekly demon hunting missions. weekly human hunting parties. you can play a foreigner in japan as it is already 1910-1920! you can bring your flapper girl from the US and make her a kick ass demon fighter. or your French artist and make him a demon. you can mix the west with the east. trains. kimonos. tea ceremonies.

the best setting ever.

I know it's been a few months, but.... :eyes:
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Ginger Avatar
I am literally only on episode 4... Wise Man's Grandchild.....

and now I want... A Magicka Girl Academia With Witches/Demons being released or experimented on... in this Medieval Fantasy World.... AKA Wise man's Grandchild.

Tlr;; I want Wizard Academy in Fantasy world [with human experimentation]
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
Ginger Avatar
I am literally only on episode 4... Wise Man's Grandchild.....

and now I want... A Magicka Girl Academia With Witches/Demons being released or experimented on... in this Medieval Fantasy World.... AKA Wise man's Grandchild.

Tlr;; I want Wizard Academy in Fantasy world [with human experimentation]

this made me so excited. it could have a point system based on member activity kind of like houses in harry potter without the harry potter. also different classes and students can make their own schedules to level up certain skills in their witchcraft and wizardry trees. little house events too? i want this so bad.
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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honey and the forgor land Avatar
Ginger Avatar
I am literally only on episode 4... Wise Man's Grandchild.....

and now I want... A Magicka Girl Academia With Witches/Demons being released or experimented on... in this Medieval Fantasy World.... AKA Wise man's Grandchild.

Tlr;; I want Wizard Academy in Fantasy world [with human experimentation]
this made me so excited. it could have a point system based on member activity kind of like houses in harry potter without the harry potter. also different classes and students can make their own schedules to level up certain skills in their witchcraft and wizardry trees. little house events too? i want this so bad.
Oh! Yeah, maybe to make it even less like harry potter.... The classes focus on..

"Weapon Combat" Aka Knight hood.
"Enchantments" Like clothing whatnot

I wonder what the houses would be focused on.. Would they be Personality tests? Or a Character Bio Interview where the bios are actually just Interviews?

Then there be a hierarchy due to the kingdom setting... and maybe even a brooding war near by... that is added.. like. oh! Dark Worlds.... Wait...

((maybe add a bit of LOZ with triforce >>   <<  or even magi with dungeons.... or or.... Ignore ginger she likes outside school rps))

aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
Ginger Avatar
Oh! Yeah, maybe to make it even less like harry potter.... The classes focus on..

"Weapon Combat" Aka Knight hood.
"Enchantments" Like clothing whatnot

I wonder what the houses would be focused on.. Would they be Personality tests? Or a Character Bio Interview where the bios are actually just Interviews?

Then there be a hierarchy due to the kingdom setting... and maybe even a brooding war near by... that is added.. like. oh! Dark Worlds.... Wait...

((maybe add a bit of LOZ with triforce >>   <<  or even magi with dungeons.... or or.... Ignore ginger she likes outside school rps))

or maybe keep some of the harry potter classes along with the new ones to add more variety since hp actually had a good set of classes :pepehands:. i really enjoyed potions class, transfiguration, charms, herbology, etc. there wouldn't be any random 'defense against the dark arts' class or whatever but still things like flying lessons which seem pretty necessary.

the houses should be interview-based but the player could be able to choose their own house in the end through claims. i.e: staff say : you're [GROUP A] and they go to claims and go "i'd like to claim my chara in group c please" which is fine. keeps it still open to interpretation.

someone make this
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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honey and the forgor land Avatar
Ginger Avatar
Oh! Yeah, maybe to make it even less like harry potter.... The classes focus on..

"Weapon Combat" Aka Knight hood.
"Enchantments" Like clothing whatnot

I wonder what the houses would be focused on.. Would they be Personality tests? Or a Character Bio Interview where the bios are actually just Interviews?

Then there be a hierarchy due to the kingdom setting... and maybe even a brooding war near by... that is added.. like. oh! Dark Worlds.... Wait...

((maybe add a bit of LOZ with triforce >>   <<  or even magi with dungeons.... or or.... Ignore ginger she likes outside school rps))

or maybe keep some of the harry potter classes along with the new ones to add more variety since hp actually had a good set of classes :pepehands:. i really enjoyed potions class, transfiguration, charms, herbology, etc. there wouldn't be any random 'defense against the dark arts' class or whatever but still things like flying lessons which seem pretty necessary.

the houses should be interview-based but the player could be able to choose their own house in the end through claims. i.e: staff say : you're [GROUP A] and they go to claims and go "i'd like to claim my chara in group c please" which is fine. keeps it still open to interpretation.

someone make this

if you have too many classes/houses be harder to rp though... Greatly depend on higher character/member counts... [nods okay members choosing]
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
again sorry for posting in this thread consistently....

Okay.. Okay.. What about a Wise Man, Rising Shield Hero, No Game No life, reincarnated as a slime, Dragon Prince, LOZ, and finally Fairy Gone AU/OC Crossover?

Where People from other worlds think they're summoned into this world through "video Games" or "Books"..... Or they're flat out Reincarnated into this world with all their original Memories.. Then they try to save this world from "Disasters" or "Waves" that attempt to destroy this world. Due to Multiple Kingdoms They're each trying to wipe the other out, believing the other are super villains.. All coordinated by some Master mind Deity who loves to just watch Humans/Monsters Go all out and "HAVE FUN" in this created safe world. Other things be like monsters can be Named to be upgraded to move powerful creatures, Certain people can touch Fairies to absorb their abilities, Characters can Have Inventory or Item things they personally can upgrade In-Character, and other things...

Again Apologies for posting on here, I should be banned for popping in constantly ;-;

TLR: Medieval Fantasy Reincarnation/Summoning, MMORPG IC System, and Magic/Classes Panfandom Rp
last edit on Jun 19, 2019 15:00:57 GMT by Ginger