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Iv'ryearned bits
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no you are not on my level; watch me play with the devil
Hey, I'm Ivy!

I've lurked here awhile and done a little bit of exploring about the rp community (6 years or so), so a rare few of y'all might have seen me floating around. But generally I'm quite antisocial and stick with only a couple sites at most, meaning this intro is still necessary, haha.

Anyways, I started out doing gfx and eventually moved on to coding templates. I've tried my hand at skins before, but I work primarily with Forumotion (yes yes, i know) and the lack of English resources has made it difficult to get into it. Maybe one day I'll switch to the reasonable side, but for now, google translate remains my best friend~

I hope to be able to join this community and maybe even contribute now and then, so see y'all around!