take the longshot [lf: jcink site]

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
honestly, this is a bit of a long shot, and i'm kind of not expecting to really find anything, but. i've been out of the game a while, and who knows, i might end up being surprised.


hi there. my name is kuroya, i'm twenty-three years old, i use she/her pronouns, and these days, i've more or less become the gremlin who hangs around on the ceiling fan of animanga while everyone else tries to beat me off with a broom because i don't live here anymore and i need to leave but this is hotel california and you see, i can never fully leave.

now that the introduction is out of the way, time to go into what i really want: a site where i can not be responsible for things that end up on fire and that will not get upset with me for, well, let's just say my everything and leave it at that.

as far as the basics go, what i need at bare minimum is a jcink site with no mixed / optional faceclaims and relaxed activity requirements, both in terms of character creation (because i don't like feeling like posting is a chore for a new character) and in terms of activity checks (anything more strict than one post per month per character is a nonstarter, and i'd prefer more lax than that if i have to be honest about it). i also really want no word counts (outside of bio area minimums, i'm fine with that), a freeform application area (because just let me ramble for my apps please i beg of you), a light-hearted slice-of-life setting setting (because i just don't want to deal with big events or plot developments or grimdark stuff or combat if i have to be honest), and a condensed lore area (because i just don't do well with sites where there's 20 thick ic board settings and 5+ member groups and 2000+ years of history and everything else to read). and while those things aren't necessarily deal-breakers the way any of the other stuff is... honestly, it's going to be stuff that's going to be p big turn-offs to have to work around, so y'know, that's. a thing.

(also i will disclaim that i will not consider dotai academy, event horizon, megalomania, love talk, endorrain, stroke of luck, kismet divided, eledira, world of remnant, pledge, final fantasy adventu, amaranthos, or anything based around superpowers or a high school / academy setting. so just. "hey friend, i'll save us both the effort by saying don't pitch these at me since i won't even look at them.")

from here, i can kind of go into three different directions.

the first direction (and ideal one personally) would be towards a panfandom site. but if i did a panfandom, i would want to pick up a pre-nibelheim sephiroth (final fantasy), post-cheshire-arc cheshire cat (pandora hearts), and pre-endgame mello (death note). and i would also adore to pick up a humanized foxy (five nights at freddy's) that has some super unique lore back from the fnaf4 era (since thanks scott, you torpedo his existence more with each game), as well as possibly post-game lucina (fire emblem), post-advent-child reno (final fantasy), pre-game nobunaga (pokemon conquest), and any-point ravio (legend of zelda: link between worlds). so y'know. i'd need a flexible setting and welcoming community that is going to be able to guarantee that i could make those characters at that point and actually get plots with them (since i've joined a few sites and then struggled to do anything because everyone bubbled with their friends in their fandoms).

the second direction i'd be willing to go in would be... well, i don't really know. it'd be more that i'd be wanting to play one of my really old characters, zephyr wolfe. which what i would need for him at bare minimum would be cloud strife from final fantasy open and a workable law enforcement position for him to have (since i like playing him as a cop but i also get really fussy over how police departments and cops are handled on sites since i used to work in one). i'd also really love if i could have a feasible chance of having a romantic want ad taken, since listen, i've been trying to get him to be able to make moon eyes at a hot fireman for actual years now and failed every time and i have grown so tired of putting all of my intended plot arcs on hold because my characters become black holes of meet-and-greet interactions only and i don't have rp friends to fill that void for me anymore. (i would also love if i could play my old disney-style fairy godmother who uses ia and would need her prince charming and my old humanized excalibur who uses ganymede and would need his wielder, but honestly, i'd just settle for zeph at this point, i miss him so much but i've been burned so many times with his plot arc that i'm leery of trying to climb into a site on my own again.)

the third direction i'm considering is probably the least likely one i'd consider to go in cold turkey (and i'd actually rather combine it with option two), but i'll throw it out there anyway. which is that i'd be willing to join a site that is willing to put up with me ignoring large plot things and won't get upset if i struggle to branch out much and is okay with me going mia for a little bit to deal with things outside of them... if there is a specific soul on that site who is willing to look past the fact i take a month or more to turn around a specific thread and offer me a flexible gay romantic want ad plot that i can pick up and make my own. because listen. i know it's annoying to have "that guy" on sites who comes in, makes a want ad for a final, and ghosts out in a month when it goes untaken. trust me, i get it. but i also know that it's not gonna be a fun experience for me to go another round of "i've been here a year and i have literally no developments with my character" and that i get more easily invested in my romantic plots, so uh. yeah.

like i said. i'm pretty sure this is all gonna be a long shot. because 1) i'm picky, 2) i've been proactive about it and struggled to find something before i've just given up, 3) i recognize i'm asking for a lot with this, and 4) it honestly would not surprise me if looking at this makes people go "uh yeah no pass" just based on what i'm saying. but. honestly, i really would like to find a good corner to curl up in and be able to exist, and honestly, it's so demoralizingly hard trying to break into a new site if you don't have a buddy, so uh. yeah. here's to me crossing my fingers and hoping i get lucky.
last edit on Aug 12, 2019 13:36:23 GMT by Kuroya

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