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Coding Confessions

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Kuroyaearned bits
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everything i code feels like it looks derivative and clunky. i wish i knew how to not feel this way.

honestly, i've just. embraced it by this point.

i mean. there's only so many ways to design a """contemporary""" skin (aka, with all the modern bells + whistles people expect and one that's in-step enough with all the current design trends to attract new members), and when most skin designs trends tend to come about by one coder doing it and then a bunch of others emulating them, y'know, there's not a whole lot of ways for it to not feel derivative.

so what if my skin looks similar to my other skins and also to a lot of other skins that are already out there? i only have so much time in this mortal coil, and i am not going to waste it worrying about stuff that just does not matter in the end.

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Stallasearned bits
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honestly, i've just. embraced it by this point.

i mean. there's only so many ways to design a """contemporary""" skin (aka, with all the modern bells + whistles people expect and one that's in-step enough with all the current design trends to attract new members), and when most skin designs trends tend to come about by one coder doing it and then a bunch of others emulating them, y'know, there's not a whole lot of ways for it to not feel derivative.

so what if my skin looks similar to my other skins and also to a lot of other skins that are already out there? i only have so much time in this mortal coil, and i am not going to waste it worrying about stuff that just does not matter in the end.

Really feeling this right now. There's very specific skinning styles in right now, because they tend to be done by the same people. And their work is beautiful. But when you try to do something else you stare at it forever like 'Does this even look good? Will people accept deviation? Or should I add more low contrast blocks with lower contrast background images??'
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fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
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(flex gang flex gang)

everything i code feels like it looks derivative and clunky. i wish i knew how to not feel this way.
honestly i still feel this way all the time with stuff i code and it gets worse when im looking at other people's designs and going ugh why can't i do that but.... i've kinda found that having friends who will both praise and critique my stuff helps me feel more confident in it? i always appreciate critiques (no matter how small) b/c they help make the positive stuff feel that much more genuine u know?

my other solution?? yell at your brain. ur brain is stupid and it deserves to know that. look at your codes and when your brain is like THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH / THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANT / F U G L Y then go: who cares it's mine i made it and that's ENOUGH.

(also sometimes stepping away from things you make for a bit and coming back helps you be like oh i do like this!)

THERE'S also nothing wrong w/ your stuff reminding you of other people's. design is so heavily trend based that certain things are always going to draw on a lot of similarities and that's okay!! it's a lot harder to figure out your own style when you're not utilizing the things other people do, yknow??

(and also also ur stuff is super lovely and so clean looking -- clunky is not a word i would ever think 2 use for it. )
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elliearned bits
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bros, just make what you want. make ugly stuff. make derivative stuff. make stuff that breaks. make stuff that you and everyone else hates. cause you know why? every time you make something, you learn. you get ideas to try out on the next awful thing. eventually, without even realizing it, you're making really cool stuff that maybe you still hate but everyone else is excited about. sometimes you might even like the thing yourself.

so just do. if you're scared to show-and-tell, then you don't have to. what's important is that you're practicing and learning. you'll be glad you did someday.
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
569written posts
PHIMBOearned bits
Part of the Furniture
So, too, is Death possessed of infinite strategies and a gaunt nature.
not rly a coding confession but a design confession -

serif fonts r criminally underrated / underappreciated when it comes to rp design and i will continue to stand on that hill
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
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this is my murder mittens ^-^
not rly a coding confession but a design confession -

serif fonts r criminally underrated / underappreciated when it comes to rp design and i will continue to stand on that hill

i’ve noticed that in animanga, sans serif is the preference definitely, but rl sites the most popular that aren’t kpop i think tend to use serif fonts. so they’re underrated maybe in animanga, but overall ? i think sans serif actually r more underrated in the rpc at large.

tbh tho would love to see more serif fonts with animanga skins. they can really be so beautiful ✨
last edit on Jan 30, 2022 6:02:39 GMT by bc
445written posts
fossaearned bits
Senior Member
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he's suppose to be DEAD
i love serif fonts but every single time i try to use them i look at what i've made and go ugly

ppl who can pull them off are powerful and not 2 be messed with
last edit on Jan 30, 2022 12:38:16 GMT by fossa
789written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
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tbh sans serif is actually preferred in web design because it's easier to read on a screen.

that being said, might be worth discussing accessibility needs with your members. some serif fonts are actually better for dyslexic players, and it could be worth it to have an alternate skin that changes the font for readability. even if it doesn't look pretty, letting your members actually be able to read your site content seems like a strong decision.

i am not saying serif should be a default, though, because everyone's accessibility needs are different. however, when we are running sites with multiple skin options, it feels pretty easy to make sure everyone's reading needs are met. someone who reads serif better can use the serif skin that uses a dyslexia-friendly font and larger font and better letter spacing, and someone who reads sans serif better can use the default skin.
last edit on Jan 30, 2022 17:55:32 GMT by illidan main

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
569written posts
PHIMBOearned bits
Part of the Furniture
So, too, is Death possessed of infinite strategies and a gaunt nature.
illidan main Avatar
tbh sans serif is actually preferred in web design because it's easier to read on a screen.

that being said, might be worth discussing accessibility needs with your members. some serif fonts are actually better for dyslexic players, and it could be worth it to have an alternate skin that changes the font for readability. even if it doesn't look pretty, letting your members actually be able to read your site content seems like a strong decision.

i am not saying serif should be a default, though, because everyone's accessibility needs are different. however, when we are running sites with multiple skin options, it feels pretty easy to make sure everyone's reading needs are met. someone who reads serif better can use the serif skin that uses a dyslexia-friendly font and larger font and better letter spacing, and someone who reads sans serif better can use the default skin.
you bring up an interesting point (re: readability) which got me researching a bit, and, well —

i discovered that serif fonts are actually more readable while sans serif are more legible.

there's an entire print history that is tl;dr to explain, but essentially serif fonts are the typewriter's old style (new york times still uses serif fonts for their body content) while sans serif is a departure of the past, which was pioneered by the bauhaus movement (1920s).

when it comes to computer screens there is little to no evidence which is better / easier to read.  it's actually more about how the body text is coded. e.g. real life rp sites are known for their serif fonts but they're also notorious for their small print (fun fact: serif fonts are easier to read on a smaller scale). sans serif, on the other hand, is associated to cutting-edge design and commerce—its also used for highway signs bc its legibility is easier to discern from a distance.

ultimately finding the right body text is a balancing act between user experience and the "aesthetic" you're trying to achieve. i personally like to mix and match different fonts and font families (though i have a preference for readable fonts over those that are simply too script-y/unreadable).
last edit on Jan 30, 2022 22:28:05 GMT by PHIMBO
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