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Coding Confessions

Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
this exists?

My coding confession is I can never remember the code for custom scroll bars. I always have to reference another code or search it up. x.x I know what the components do, yet, I can never remember the code itself.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,357written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i code so many headers for sites i contemplate but the further i go in the skin, the more i sweat nervously as i learn that i have no design ideas and then end up abandoning the project entirely

(no for real, if you go through all the skins in my codepen, you will notice the dramatic decrease in designs and innovation the further you get into the skin)

86written posts
cryptidearned bits
Junior Member
cryptid Avatar
Chibi Magician Avatar
this exists?

My coding confession is I can never remember the code for custom scroll bars. I always have to reference another code or search it up. x.x I know what the components do, yet, I can never remember the code itself.
oh yeah same, absolutely
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
Desmond Miles Avatar
do you ever try to do Anything and ask yourself is this even fucking worth it

am i trying to hard oversomething i dont understand?? or am i just being hard on myself??? probably both!

am i ever not asking these
last edit on Apr 22, 2020 11:37:47 GMT by bc
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
oh.. oh my god another one of these threads. I am guilty of so much bs, chances are I'm gonna make another post in the future :sweat:

I didnt know how to use classes until very recently, as well as flex boxes. I think I cried when I learned that not everything had to be placed with margin/padding/z-index.

Screw javascript. Ik it's convenient but it's too complicated. I always say i'm gonna go learn it, but it's too much for my baby brain.

I am shameless with my code inspirations. It's either meme references, or fandom songs. Or just.. literally my oc. don't look at me like that, you do it to.

I want to learn how to skin, but at the same time it's like- intimidating as fuck. I could probably do it, but it would be a dumpster fire.

I could resize my own graphics, but I'm too lazy for that. background-size/background-postion is my best friend.

I want to make edgy codes, but my style is too happy, bold, and colorful.

I overuse background blend mode, but this is fine.

127written posts
vvvaporwavesearned bits
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[mitski voice] nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody
my confession? after the adrenaline of a new template wears off i'm always overcome with a disgusting amount of regret, not because i don't like the things i create, but because i know i'm disappointing every single professor i've ever had for web d&d. forum coding turns off my brain and makes me feel like i've regressed to caveman times.
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
I have returned to retract my previous sin about javascript: It has morphed from a coding hurdle to an impenetrable wall i'm forced to climb. I.. god help me, for I'm about to self teach myself this crap.
last edit on Apr 24, 2020 19:36:24 GMT by dijit.exe
370written posts
elliearned bits
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elli Avatar
dijit.exe Avatar
I have returned to retract my previous sin about javascript: It has morphed from a coding hurdle to an impenetrable wall i'm forced to climb. I.. god help me, for I'm about to self teach myself this crap.
programming is actually a lot of fun. ngl it is a fair amount of work to get a point where you can make big things happen, but it's so satisfying when you do. html/css are still my favorite languages, but javascript is cool af. you won't regret learning it.

here are some resources i'd recommend:

developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript - ongoing reference and learning, a good place to start
javascript.info/ - fantastic tutorials, open source and continuously edited by experts
www.codecademy.com/ - has a great text-based javascript course, you can write your code directly in their provided editor and it gives you feedback about what you're doing wrong
es6.io/ - wes bos has an amazing video-based tutorial series on javascript. also check out "javascript 30" for 30 days of projects.
teamtreehouse.com/home - subscription, video-based courses with quizzes and challenges, also great
last edit on Apr 24, 2020 20:59:07 GMT by elli
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
elli Avatar
dijit.exe Avatar
I have returned to retract my previous sin about javascript: It has morphed from a coding hurdle to an impenetrable wall i'm forced to climb. I.. god help me, for I'm about to self teach myself this crap.
programming is actually a lot of fun. ngl it is a fair amount of work to get a point where you can make big things happen, but it's so satisfying when you do. html/css are still my favorite languages, but javascript is cool af. you won't regret learning it.

here are some resources i'd recommend:

developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript - ongoing reference and learning, a good place to start
javascript.info/ - fantastic tutorials, open source and continuously edited by experts
www.codecademy.com/ - has a great text-based javascript course, you can write your code directly in their provided editor and it gives you feedback about what you're doing wrong
es6.io/ - wes bos has an amazing video-based tutorial series on javascript. also check out "javascript 30" for 30 days of projects.
teamtreehouse.com/home - subscription, video-based courses with quizzes and challenges, also great

God? Is that you?

adjkfl;sa I'm kidding, I love coding too, it's just.. the learning part of it all lmao, i'm a literal rock. but BLESS YOUR HEART you've made my day ya beautiful human being.
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
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punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
rolling up sleeves
Ever since I realized I can use absolute positioning to position things conveniently and stylistically, I have abused the crap out of it.

I think I'm also guilty of hovers. Hover effects everywhere.

I'm also extraordinarily guilty of not finishing many skins/templates I start. It's amazing how much higher my completion rate was when I first started skinning to what it is now.
127written posts
vvvaporwavesearned bits
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[mitski voice] nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody
i've started doing physical mock-ups even for templates and honestly it's killed my motivation to code because i look at what i've drawn and i'm like i know 100% there's no way i'm going to put the effort into making it actually look like this
309written posts
syhrinxearned bits
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
syhrinx Avatar
i like to code but i never, like, go out of my way to code something?? i only do it if i need or want something specific. the utility is there but not the artistic creativity u__u i wish i could pop out codes like a lot of y'all... with ur fanciness and ur animation things and your incredible variety
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