Hey there!
With quite a few people showing interest with the concept, I have decided to spearhead the effort in creating an animanga-based AU PJO RP site that offers light D&D character progression. My hope is for people to be able to create stories, and at the same time see their characters progress and grow. While most of the site's system is being written and conceptualized by myself, I do need a few more eyes and hands to help out with the site, and hopefully bring it to fruition smoothly.
With that said, I am looking for general mods that are willing to dabble into every facet of the site. Of course, more specialized teams will be created down the line, but in its current early stages, I hope to find a few bedrock moderators.
I will be conducting interviews to get a feel if we could work well together, and if you are a good fit for the team! Nothing too serious, but definitely very important. I do not have a specific number in mind, so please feel free to add/message me in Discord: PandaSan#2124
Thanks for reading this!