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Post a picture of your pets

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Deletedearned bits
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's amazing cat introduction made me think that we should have a pet thread. :| If you're comfortable posting a pic of your pet, do it up! If not, you can just describe your amazing pet. What are their sexes, genders, general personality? How did you meet them? And so on.
pronounsshe (doesn't mind)
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iceguinearned bits
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A pet thread is a fantastic idea !!!

This is my computer buddy, Emerald (he doesn't like cameras or keeping his head still, so I apologize for the mediocre pics):

As you can see from my missing arrow keys in the first pic, his favorite hobby is tearing up my laptop keyboard and standing on top of the trackpad. Other hobbies include: biting holes in shirts, splashing all of the water out of his bath and onto the floor, stealing earrings, fighting a crusade against bells, serenading his reflection, relaxing with nose massages, and screaming. He is a good bird & I adore him.

He's a male red-rumped parakeet who I've had for 11(ish) years now -- the breeder who raised him was having issues selling him because he was aggressive and has a deformity on one of his back toes that causes the nail to curve backwards, so he wasn't really desirable for most bird owners or other breeders. And yes, his name is Emerald because he's green & I'm really bad at names. 8')
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Korahearned bits
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we were always here, together, apart.

(omgoodness, your babes are beautiful)

this fella is POWERS:

thoughtfully named by my brothers, after my precious boy, Austin, passed away. he belongs to my sister, (but i'm pretty sure he cuddles with me, the most). he's a brat and he plays hard, without remorse. but he's good company...most of the time.

the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
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ullaearned bits
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

how have i not done this yet, i always spam everyone with pics of my baby, leto ( took these while she was here lol):

last edit on Jul 23, 2018 15:43:57 GMT by ulla
aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
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do u know... la-hee?

this is douglas! he's a cocker spaniel and he's about sixteen years old. he loves belly rubs and carrots and following scent trails. once upon a time, he'd walk around carrying crisp packets, and he'd also bring hedgehogs in from outside.

this is bailey! she's a bullmastiff and is honestly just a huge teddy bear. she absolutely loves cuddles and sprawling out on the sofa and our beds. also loves picking up shoes and carrying them around.

this is my darling cat, tabitha. she's ten years old, and she always seems to know when i'm gonna make food that involves tuna bc she always just suddenly appears out of nowhere. i love her a lot.

aaand this is spyro! he's a leopard gecko. he likes standing in his water bowl and hiding in the leaves. he's fascinating tbh.

edit // as of august 18 2018, tabitha has passed away.
edit2 // as of december 20 2018, douglas has passed away.

last edit on Dec 20, 2018 15:26:01 GMT by valka
if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
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foxtrottearned bits
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ok so there are 3 dogs in my house but none of them are considered mine so here's my one and only foster pet, DD the insufferable fuckimg asshole

looks cute huh? you're right, she's goddam adorable. she's also a HUGE BITCH. WHY, YOU ASK?

    [*]the only word she says on command is "ow" as in "owch". that's the word she's heard the most. she came pre-installed with that word and she'll say that after she bites you
    [*]she bites you and then laughs about it
    [*]she likes to be scratched on the head, but only if you go "scratchie scratchie scratchie" continuously while doing so. otherwise, she will Bite
    [*]she Hates Toys but boy will she destroy your desk, phone case, paper towels, books, etc
    [*]6-7pm is scream o clock. No Exceptions
    [*]she has bad taste in music and sings to kpop
    [*]it's not even singing, she just goes "la la laaa" in a super quiet voice
    [*]she is a 10/10 cuddler until she bites
    [*]she can't control her biting. genuinely. I've worked with dozens of parrots and she's the fuckin worst biter ever
    [*]she gives me a reason to get up before noon every day
    [*]she forces me to work to feed her
    [*]she encourages me to eat healthy so she can eat what I'm eating
    [*]she's gorgeous

tl;dr I love her and I'm gonna cry when somebody adopts her

Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
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Oh! I love these types of threads. <3 May I say everybody has lovely animals~!

This is my dog Blue, she is a loud and sassy pup who is determined to wake me up at 2:00 am whenever she wants outside. She is my snuggle buddy who drowns me in licks. Until she decides she has had enough and starts barking, nibbling and scratching me cause I gave her too much love.

Then I have my older sweetheart named Lady who actually enjoys my attention and is a good girl, but makes a constant mess with the kibble. Unfortunately, she is blind so we have to be careful to make certain she does not get hurt or lost. My family has had her since I was little and I enjoy her calmer nature.

last edit on Jul 27, 2018 22:12:09 GMT by Chibi Magician
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foxtrottearned bits
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Sorry for the ignorance, but could you adopt her yourself?

Don't be sorry! I'm always happy to talk more about parrots.

I absolutely could adopt DD for myself. However, she turns 21 this September, and she could live up to 50 more years. As a single adult living in my mom's basement, I don't know if I'll be in a position where I can take care of her in 5 years, let alone 50. It would be incredibly irresponsible of me to adopt a bird like DD without the knowledge that I could provide her with a stable home for the rest of her life.

That's why I'm just fostering for now. Maybe once I move out and have a stable career, I can adopt, but til then, I'm just an inbetween til DD finds her forever home. <3
eepy cosy
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M A E !earned bits
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this is samuel, my silly fluffy manx son. he's got a real bad biting problem and is often either sleeping, lounging in a window, or yelling at me for attention. i'd never trade him for anything, he's. honestly my life lmao.

last edit on Jul 28, 2018 12:52:51 GMT by M A E !
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kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
I have... A lot of pets. Most of them are my fish, which I love just as much as any other type of pet! But I don't have any recent pet pics or many fishie pics on the computer I'm on now, but I did find these pics of my bunnies when they were babies!  



They're still cute as adults! Ghibli looks the exact same and is still super tiny, but Yuki became a meatball-head haha. They have their own room attached to ours. I thought we were getting Yuki from a good home, but when we got him it was clear he'd been neglected bad. He didn't even know how to hop: he only did this weird spider crawl. </3

I love these two so much! But I did learn the hard way that bunnies are like 4x times as much work as any other pet I've ever owned. And the vet bills are crazy since you have to travel to exotic vets. 

I'm sure I'll be back to this thread with fishie pics soon. 

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