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01. SUMMERTIME: writing

Summertime. The sun was beating down. Oftentimes the lawn is dry: yellow and spindly; sparse unplucked straw; a balding crown of packed earth, but a recent spell of rain has left it greener, fuller, more virile, and it makes for at least a somewhat pleasant viewing. A private sanctum (remarkably sizable) from the unconquered places outside, even if they were only really shielded from view by tin fencing.

She retreated almost to the back wall, as far from the house as one could really get. She'd never smoked in her parents' home before. Not that she wasn't allowed, but it was still an odd thing to do; a taboo acquired osmotically from the cultural surrounds that made it feel, at least through her perception, awkward from both sides. 'Intellectually I don't have a problem with this, in fact I somewhat approve of it, but the white, conservative hegemony outside nonetheless infringes upon my thoughts and tells me I'm not supposed to,' was what she might have heard in her dad's mind, if she happened to read it in a moment of honest self-reflection. She was no telepath, but with her dad, she sort of thought she didn't have to be.

It wasn't a cigarette, mind you, and nobody on that property would have approved if it was, but a joint, rolled as a send-off gift by her only group of local friends and inscribed with fond expletives that she thought were rather crass and would not repeat in writing if given the chance, but still appreciated. She lit it with one of the lighters she had been gifted alongside it, never having previously owned her own. She was by no means a seasoned veteran.

The girl - her friends would have been alarmed to hear her characterized that way - was about to leave home (for the second time), see, and travel interstate in doing so. Tomorrow, in fact. She did not fancy having to smuggle ganja through an airport, and thus felt compelled to smoke it now - there was little question of just discarding it, - even if there was still packing to do.

The sun and her had also not served too many terms together, and in the full heat of day it seemed almost to be scrutinizing her from above with a bit more curiosity than it thought decorous. As time went on and ash filled her lungs, she increasingly wished it would not, but she had resolved to enjoy a last bit of that pleasantly dry summer sun that she would see a lot less of in the tropics. She turned over the little grey lighter in her hands. It was stenciled with a picture of E.T. She'd not seen that movie. Movies?

When she eventually got up, the grass felt like a coarse brush to her feet and it prickled her electrically. She returned to the damaged, third-hand packing box that she had left earlier on the lawn along with the packing tape and the (packing?) scissors (there was no real space to work inside). It probably should have been a simple task to patch it all back up to working condition, the kind of thing her mother could have done in minutes flat with furious, rigid and efficient motions (particularly if she had been asked to do it), but her daughter - she would not have characterized them that way - had never had that kind of energy to her. She more took after her father, in that way - in most ways.

For now the girl worked alone, unless the wordless comings-and-goings of family members could be counted. She clumsily - more clumsily than usual - plastered bits of half-severed cardboard over other, larger bits of cardboard and tried to hold them there while extricating her hands from the tape that clung to her fingers, which peeled off with a sound that was strangely like scissors cutting through paper. Then, of course, it would just stick again, some other way, and the glue would still occupy the plane of her touch in the previous place, and the place before that, and pretty soon the tape and her fingers felt synonymous, and she found herself just trading the sticky cellophane between different digits and enjoying the tactile sensation and the tearing sound. It was stupid, but it felt more satisfying than any little goal on a mental checklist of packing objectives ever would, and it elicited far less anxiety.

She wanted to go. She just didn't want to leave.

A good deal of time may well have passed that way, for eventually she found herself sweating under that sun. Her senses retreated deep into her body to cope with that stifling heat, focusing solely on the line between her eyes and her fingers - and her fingers themselves. Still, after a while the sun seemed not to be an enemy at the gate, but the very agent of enervation, and perhaps she could no longer reemerge from that feeble state if she wanted to - at least not without tremendous effort.

Bits of adhesive were exhausted and discarded by way of haphazard application to the ostensible project. She could hear them crackle between her fingers and when their folded edges were smoothed down upon the card. After a while, she began to imagine that crackling noise was her own skin - or, if not something quite so grim, then more vaguely her personage, - sizzling and spitting. She would be cooked alive. She came to lie down upon the grass, and it was horribly comfortable. She could hear her parents bickering back inside. How long before someone would emerge to chide her?

Just a little longer, she thought.

last edit on Apr 14, 2021 6:20:54 GMT by Deleted
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27. HAUNTED: template








@springo CHALL



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis euismod erat quis urna scelerisque, mattis pretium orci semper. Integer id elit eget ante cursus ornare. Vestibulum quis auctor felis. Donec sem tellus, malesuada rutrum quam in, laoreet molestie dui. Vivamus elementum urna eget turpis egestas ultrices. Duis convallis ex nulla, non tempor odio finibus id. Fusce facilisis sed erat vel ornare. Proin condimentum viverra condimentum. Aliquam sit amet lectus vel lectus mollis condimentum ac at quam. Donec laoreet quam a erat finibus, sit amet eleifend leo varius.
Sed elementum suscipit dui non sodales. Nunc commodo quam ut libero commodo, eu venenatis elit aliquet. Etiam nisi eros, mattis sed mauris sed, mattis malesuada sapien. Donec sem mauris, tempus vel eros eu, pulvinar laoreet leo. Ut non mi eu libero scelerisque euismod. Etiam efficitur neque non mi varius commodo. Nunc pharetra elementum ex, id gravida dolor ornare eget. Vestibulum vel sapien vitae sapien convallis feugiat scelerisque vitae mi.
Donec a turpis rutrum, placerat lacus eget, fringilla mi. Ut mollis pretium enim non sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget eros in turpis consectetur dictum nec sit amet magna. Donec non diam pellentesque, malesuada nunc et, condimentum nibh. In dignissim tortor non metus vehicula, sit amet bibendum urna tristique. In consectetur auctor placerat. Nunc dapibus metus vitae gravida dictum. Fusce pharetra urna quis magna imperdiet ultrices. Aenean id odio convallis, commodo magna auctor, vestibulum purus. Vivamus aliquet justo felis, ut malesuada nisl tincidunt sed.



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last edit on Apr 8, 2021 6:03:56 GMT by Deleted
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11. DREAMS: images (avatar set 200x300)




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last edit on Apr 9, 2021 6:08:55 GMT by Deleted
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07. RAINY NIGHT: drawing

just not a very good one, i wanted to do one of each type of media per bingo column but my skill level is not equivalent across each. still, it gets me to practice

despite what u might think i actually probably spent more time on this than the template ;; i could go further with it but it would end up taking too much time so............... 'rkgk' B)




[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Abril Fatface]
[newclass=.clearcodes]padding: 18px; border: 1px solid #eee; background-color: #fff; background-image: url(https://images2.imgbox.com/db/e5/DRqHGTcn_o.png); text-align: center; font: 9px Montserrat; color: #c7b1e3; width: 600px; color: #1e1e1e; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.clearcodes h1]font: #b485d4; font: 24px Abril Fatface; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px #333, -1px 1px #ddd; text-align: center;[/newclass]
last edit on Apr 13, 2021 17:14:40 GMT by Deleted
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14. DAWN AND DUSK: writing

The black and white linoleum tiles danced together.

Not really, of course; really they were perfectly still, but then again they weren't real tiles either. The woman was conscious of this, but it was still interesting to watch them entwine themselves into one, grapple and ungrapple, pulsate, breathe, rise up towards her and then fall back. They would not stop even if she wanted them to. Her mind's eye ran like liquid just as the floor did.

This was nothing compared to earlier, when the chemical had been in full effect and every sense had blended into one another in fantastic and horrifying kaleidoscope, and it was almost regrettable to notice how dull this illusion was comparatively; in fact, it may have been that reflection that initially paralyzed her. The fluid was slowing by the second, and with this normative state came equally rigid realities: Boredom. Anxiety. Loneliness. Tiredness, though, mostly.

Underneath the polyester blinds, a daring ray of sunshine poked in and laid a faint horizontal beam across a scene of unwashed dishes. 'Because I haven't washed them,' she thought, the kind of reflection that would have been irritable if it were a novel one, but in that moment was only one of hollow disappointment. And fear, maybe; fear in the knowledge that she was the only pillar that currently held up the entire home in which she lived. She didn't know it then, but this paradigm would follow her for just about the entirety of her life. Had she known, maybe she would have acted differently - but probably, really, not.

The bench next to the washing-up rack was blessedly vacant for now, but sooner or later she knew another envelope would arrive, she would lay it in that spot - as agreed, - nobody would address it, and she would, again, face the choice of casting everyone and herself out into the street or paying to make it disappear all on her own.

The room was frigid, having stood virtually uninsulated against the night, but the girl was accustomed against reaching down to flick on the space heater that stood just outside the little kitchen. Between Even Poorer and Cold, she usually chose the latter. The LSD come-down did morph this chilly feeling into bitterness however, and everything she touched seemed to be an icy brand. She shivered to retrieve a mug from beside the sink, the white one with the crack down its side that looked like it should have leaked but didn't. Water fizzed out from the tap and she drank it up, glad to resolve the thirst that had been vaguely bugging her for hours but which she had been unable to quite identify.

She turned to lean her back against the sink, but as she further sipped her water she looked only back down at the floor, which stubbornly remained moving even as everything else had quite settled. She mused, not for the first time, that she could not recall ever seeing that beam of sun that was now behind her ever touch that flooring. Maybe it would have gleamed a little under natural light. She was incurious. Later in life, she would wryly refer to this place as the 'House of No Mornings', for today as every other day, she would retire at dawn and only get up around dusk. For now though, it was just Home, and that cold pallidity of living only under unnatural light was as much a part of it as the people she reluctantly yet ardently fought on the behalf of.
last edit on Apr 14, 2021 7:15:42 GMT by Deleted
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