additional staff needed a plot-based panfandom
written Aug 2, 2021 19:37:16 GMT
New Member
name of site: Crepusculum link to site: Crepusculum site plot: Crepusculum is a team-based game where characters experience loss upon arrival. This loss can take the form of anything imaginable: memories, powers, relationships, ideologies, even personalities. To reclaim themselves they must regain shards of themselves, but to do so they work together in teams. They regain these shards by taking part in plot events and loosely designed "games". Games and events are often a mixture of plot based and general games. Games range from as light-hearted as interactive bingo to having to harm other teams. While their main goal is to reclaim themselves, there's an over-arching plot in the world stating that these teams are here to bring about the End of Days. The world of the Town Between is only half-done. Its habitants seeming blank slates and its districts empty of any unique traits. These all develop with character and team interactions, unlocking and changing as the characters change the world around them. What will happen when they begin to face their main enemy? What will they do as things change and the true horrors unveil themselves? kind of staff needed: mods (general) requirements: general duties
helpful but not necessary
Other: Crepus. has been my dream child for a long time (six years). It pulls elements from games in the past that I loved and often plays homage to it. I wanted to create a jcink panfandom experience that wasn't the general "you're pulled to another world and live here now" that I've so often run into. Crepus is plot-based and character-driven and needs mods who will want to help create a unique experience and see it through. I will not say it won't have its rocky moments— all sites do— but I do promise that it will be different than other jcinks of its kind: offering a way to go home (if a character chooses) and to have whatever character arc they choose, a team-based environment for easy plot interaction for any character type, and a plot where anyone can have a huge impact. As this is relatively my first time having a site on jcink, like the world, the site will develop to accommodate our members and their needs. While some things are pretty set in stone— such as eight members per team and character caps— we want to make it a wonderful experience and not one that dampens. Please also note, Crepuculum accepts characters from all mediums as well as original characters on a limited basis. While our site is more heavily illustration base there are some live-action characters. The ideal candidate is someone who wants to be able to invest time in the story and world of the Town Between. I'm not looking for people who are currently staff members on multiple sites, we don't want anyone to burn out and we want to have a stable team. A staff member should be friendly, active, and approachable. Most things on site are done and asked about as a team, regardless of admin role, so being able to communicate within ourselves effectively is important. Before making any decisions I recommend you join our discord to get a feel for our community. You may also feel free to reach out to me here or through dming me on discord (aru#0002) Thank you for your consideration! |
last edit on Aug 2, 2021 19:48:44 GMT by aru