A Big Cats "Warriors" RP?

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JustTiffamuearned bits
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So lately I've been re-reading the Warriors series by Erin Hunter (and playing Planet Zoo) and I had the sudden urge to play a Warriors RP, but with big cats instead. I already run another site and I'm in the process of rebooting an old one of mine, so I'd like to see if there's interest in the idea before diving headfirst into making it.
I don't have any solid plot ideas yet, but I was thinking it would either be set way before the events of the series (like their ancestors or something?), or way after the series (maybe post-apocalypse and the bigs cats are descended from zoo animals).
I was considering maybe the Colorado area for the setting (like Cheyenne Mountain Zoo or Denver Zoo) since I know Colorado has a lot of different habitats/biomes that could work for the different species of big cats. Think kind of like Horizon: Zero Dawn if you've ever played that. I think the game takes place in parts of Colorado, Utah, and Arizona.
Also, the big cats would be more tolerant to other species of big cats due to coming from the zoo so that members aren't limited to the kind of big cat they can play as. It could also alieve limitations on things such as one male lion in a group or having certain big cats be solitary (like snow leopards).
I've also been giving some thought to how the Clans would be divided. The Clans would probably be based on the kind of biome that the big cats live in, so cheetahs and lions probably a WindClan-esque clan, snow leopards and siberian tigers probably resembling the mountain tribe, jaguars and bengal tigers are probably more RiverClan-esque, leopards and clouded leopards would probably be ThunderClan or ShadowClan-esque.

Also, if I were to start making it, I'd like to have a co-admin or at least a global moderator to help me out. I solo run both of my other sites and I just don't have the time or energy to run a third by myself.

I appreciate any feedback or suggestions on any of this so far! PM me if you're interested in creating this rp with me.