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weheh heh

aliasnao, paradisi
67written posts
naoearned bits
Junior Member
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so what, refrigerator?
내 벗이 몇인가 ᄒᆞ니 수석과 송죽이라 동산의 ᄃᆞᆯ오르니 긔더옥 반갑고야 두어라 이다ᄉᆞᆺ밧긔 또더ᄒᆞ야 머엇ᄒᆞ리

You ask how many friends I have? Water and stone, bamboo and pine. The moon rising over the eastern hill is a joyful comrade. Besides these five companions, what other pleasure should I ask.

동지달 기나긴 밤을 한 허리를 버혀 내여 - 춘풍 이불 아래 서리허리 넣었다가 - 어른 님 오신 날 밤이여드란 구부구비 펴리라

I will break the back of this long, midwinter night. Folding it double, cold beneath my spring quilt. That I may draw out the night; should my love return.