Set in Neo Crystal Tokyo, after a long and peaceful reign, new villains who have stated their intent to destroy the utopia Sailor Moon created have arrived.
On the site or Discord (SpaceQueenJupiter#8170) is probably the quickest way to get me, but you're welcome to PM me here too.
The Amazon Quartet have been reborn into the 30th century with new civilian identities. Whether they've been awakened for a few years or are just becoming Senshi now, Chibi-Usa will have been on the look out for them. They're her team and eventual court, the current guardians of Crystal Tokyo. At some point they traveled to the past to assist Sailor Moon at the Galaxy Cauldron, but since Time Travel, they can also be newly awakened.
They should be roughly between the ages of 14 and 17.
They can be themed pretty much how you want, although some obvious tacts would be their Dead Moon Circus acts or based on the mythology of their names.
Sailor Ceres: The leader and Chibi-Usa's body double. Apparently Naoko said she was the sexy, aristocratic one, so do with that what you will. Maybe some kind of flowers and/or trapeze theme? Ceres was also the goddess of agriculture, grain, fertility and motherly relationships.
Sailor Pallas: The wiki refers to her act as "the ball rider" so uh. Yeah. Pallas was a Titan, but also a name for Athena so war, wisdom, owls, all that. Or make her really creepy and give her possessed doll power vibes.
Sailor Juno: Apparently in the Materials Collection she rode a motorcycle so that's cool. She was the acrobat and if I remember correctly physically the strongest of the Amazons. Her name comes from Juno, the Roman version of Hera so marriage, fertility, childbirth, and apparently wealth.
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn: Saturn probably stopped aging on the younger side and has been in charge of training the Asteroids and safekeeping Chibi-Usa until they showed up. Although technically a Sol Senshi, she has roles as both one of Chibi-Usa's guardians, the Princess of Saturn, and the Soldier of Death and Rebirth.
There are other canons open as well, but I play Chibi-Usa and would really like to have her team filled so she has some contemporaries on board.