
87written posts
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Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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As it says on the cover.

In the midst of development of a Fate/stay night AU RP (or perhaps more accurately, Apocrypha.) Seeking a TYPE-MOON enthusiast to serve as lore master to double check my premise and concepts explanations, as well as provide support for events and profile approvals. Keep in mind that Fate/Shards has no intention of being overly stringent to the lore except when necessary: people can play who they like within reason, so being flexible is a must.

Additionally, seeking an experienced coder to help troubleshoot problems with the site skin, templates, and such.

Currently, the skin is around 70% finished, along with general configuration and writing needed to complete the basis of the site. We're looking to launch sometime in August, barring any problems.

PM me if interested.