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face claim choices

aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
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Kostearned bits
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FC hunting for me is an arduous yet rewarding process that involves having a basic idea in my head, and scouring the boorus until I find someone that's "close enough". Hair/eye color are not as important to me as a character's general "vibes".
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henryearned bits
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For RL fcs, I really prefer models >>>>> A-list celebrities and actors. I have about 300 random models from various agencies I follow on Instagram. I never log into the gram, instead I just treat my following list like a growing model archive I check in on from time to time. Some of my long-time favorites have been Jing Wen, Duckie Thot, Park Taemin, amongst...well, 300 others LOL the list is so long.

For animanga fcs, I will actually just draw my own, and ask my gacha-pilled friends for recommendations on who matches the description the most. Gacha has given us such a wealth of faceclaims, genuinely. I have a collection of favorite artists that I've followed for the past 5 years or so, and I prefer to select one artist of a specific faceclaim to maintain the same mood, rather than a faceclaim and pick several dissimilar art pieces.

In all cases, the character comes far before the faceclaim does. Sometimes it takes me literal months to find a faceclaim because what I have in mind is not always what is readily available + I prefer to stumble upon the faceclaim rather than waste hours at a time looking for them.
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ireneearned bits
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It depends on the vibe + character concept, because my face claim needs to fit that vibe/concept otherwise it'll bother me lol.

In the rl rpc, my character lineup is more varied than I am here in the animanga rpc. I'll fc anyone from models to actors; a noted trend of mine is that I will use a model for any character in their 20s, whereas for characters 30+ it's usually an actor (sometimes model... I feel like older models are often underused in the rlrpc.) A cheat code for HQ images is definitely instagram; following the right agencies, or actually, photographers goes far.

For animanga, idc about the sheer # of fanart a fc has and often do I fc a character that has like under ten "good" fanart LMAO. I like to challenge myself by NOT using a hoyoverse fc mostly because I don't like the stress of fighting to claim one of them/the popularity, and also, I hate the clothes... (YES I know following the right fanartist can change everything). I usually make female characters and my taste veers towards women who look mature but also "young" at the same time which is somehow a hard thing to balance if the claim has like 10 pieces to choose from.

Maybe one day I'll make more than one (1) character in this rpc again... take a page of what I do in rlrpc and vary the ages too.
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merriearned bits
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It's a vibe. Sometimes, I see an FC and my head refuses to let go of it, so I build an entire character around it. Other times, I get too locked into the personality that it takes me forever to find an FC who fits what my brain wants. Then, the process goes on for a long time until something finally clicks. One character might be easier to pin down an FC for than another.