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Fantasy Mecha Survey

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Hi there, Pixel Perfect. Itโ€™s your old pal Yevod here, back with another site concept that seems to have gained some traction in the Quick Interest Checks thread. This time, the site concept is a fusion between the high fantasy and mecha genres โ€“ much like the classic 90s anime Vision of Escaflowne or the recently-released JRPG Chained Echoes. It will use animanga face claims and will be 18+ to address certain themes of war that may not be suited for minors.

Although I plan on staffing this site alone for the foreseeable future, I do need some help gauging interest and customizing the site to potential playersโ€™ tastes. To do that, I have prepared four questions:

What kind of mech-related and/or fantasy media do you want to see emulated on a fantasy mecha site?

Obviously, Vision of Escaflowne is going to be a big influence โ€“ as is industrial fantasy in general, such as FFVI or FFXIV. But what other stories would you like to have an influence on this potential site?

What kind of conflict do you want to see in a fantasy mecha site?

Iโ€™ll need you to specify in your answer to this question whether the conflict will be external or internal. As in, do you want the conflict to be about combating an outside NPC threat (as in Pacific Rim or Evangelion) or a faction-based conflict between nations (as in most Gundam series)?

How much customizability do you want regarding powers and weapons?

There are several options for this. We can make things completely custom and up to moderator discretion as to what to allow or to disallow. We can make an elaborate points-based system where newbies start out with a certain amount of points with which to purchase powers/weapons. Or we can simply make a fixed set of mech models akin to RPG classes that users can pick.

The question of pilot powers is also one worth considering. My only hard and fast rule here is that pilot powers should not allow them to take on mecha one-on-one. I also had an idea that the mech would only amplify the pilot's existing powers (similar to Soul Eater), but that might not work well if we're taking influence from real robot anime instead of super robot anime. I will note that I trust this community enough to be mature and not godmod in combat.

What about races/species? Do you want non-humans to be playable?

My personal preference is to allow non-humans to be playable, but if that ruins immersion for the majority, then I'm all for making this site human-exclusive. If everyone agrees with me, then I can either create a detailed race/species list or have non-humans under a blanket category.

Thank you in advance for any and all responses!
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Mech/fantasy makes me think of Magic Knight Rayearth... and Trails of Cold Steel...

Outside NPC threat is my preference, although something Cold War-ish brewing behind the scenes might be nifty.

I always like all-out customizability, but I suppose as someone who wants a certain verisimilitude to their setting, you would want to limit certain things. I guess the points system sounds cool. I also like the idea of power amplification via mech XD

Non-humans are interesting, I suppose, but I feel like they should bring something to the table, whether a certain ability, a certain political importance, etcetera. But in the end I guess I don't particularly care either way, and more power to people who just want fluffy tails and ears XD

But yeah, these are my opinions, even if they might be a bit skewed due to me liking the fantasy genre more than the mech one... XD