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Otaku Paradise ~ Looking for moderators

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prophetearned bits
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We are currently looking for new moderators in a variety of roles.
* Please note, all of these positions are volunteer based. Otaku Paradise doesn't currently run any ads, nor do we have any plan to in the foreseeable future. *

What teams are hiring?
Database Moderator, Community Moderator, and News Moderator

Not sure if you have the qualifications needed?
That's okay! You will be trained accordingly and will be given guidelines on how to complete your job efficiently.

What do I get out of this?
Again, this role is completely voluntary and there aren't any special perks aside from potentially self-satisfaction. You will also learn how to develop leadership skills that can translate to the real world.

If you are interested in one of these positions, please read through the requirements and consider applying by following the steps listed below.

Database Moderator (High)
We're looking for individuals who are passionate about anime or manga in general. You will be tasked with updating our directory as you see fit, which means updating the currently airing, upcoming, and completed anime sections as anime finish airing, or new ones are announced.

Community Moderator (Med)
We're looking for individuals that can take this community to the next level. They will be in charge of the broad moderation of the community and will work on enforcing the Rules & Guidelines surrounding the community.

News Moderator (High)
We're looking to individuals who are passionate about anime news, and providing others with insight on things happening around the anime world.

    Passion for Anime: A strong interest in anime and related topics.
    Active Participation: Regular involvement in the forum and understanding of community dynamics.
    Communication Skills: Ability to interact with members in a friendly, professional manner.
    Team Player: Willingness to work collaboratively with other moderators and forum administrators.
    Reliability: Commitment to regularly monitoring the forum and being responsive to member needs.

    How to Apply:
    If you are interested in becoming a moderator, please send a private message to me here or on the forum with the following information:

      Subject: Which role you are applying for.
      Username: Your forum username.
      Time Zone/Age: Your local time zone, typical online hours and your age.
      Experience: Any prior experience with moderation or community management (not required, but helpful).
      Motivation: Why you want to be a moderator and what you can bring to the role.
      Favorite Anime: Share a bit about your favorite anime and why it’s meaningful to you.

      We look forward to your applications and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me. :)
      last edit on May 15, 2024 13:02:19 GMT by prophet
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