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Back at it again

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✦ MADearned bits
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With World of Warcraft's latest Patch release (that pretty much broke the game) I started asking myself...[break][break]
What online games do you find yourself going back to every now and then?[break][break]

I haven't played World of Warcraft in... two maybe three years? But I still keep myself updated with happenings in the community through youtube videos and the like. Having Battle net installed cause I still play Hearthstone and Diablo also helps since you can see news on there.

Other games I keep visiting are Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar. Both I think of fondly, but just don't have the time or friends to jump back into them hardcore like I once did.


So what games do you keep going back to?

last edit on Jul 22, 2018 20:51:06 GMT by ✦ MAD
Eroge Collector
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Máscara de Tigre
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It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
I play Overwatch literally everyday.

If I could afford it though, I'd like to get back into FFXIV and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

When it comes to online flash games, I'm still mourning the death of Naruto Arena, and when I'm feeling *really* sentimental, I'll occasionally just visit and gawk at the dragonfable home page for a hit of middle-school nostalgia.
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k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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perhaps i am faint glimmer —
I haven't managed to put down blade and soul since I started playing it on the private russian server, then the jp server, and I've been playing the shitty na server since launch. it started out as a comfort thing for me to help release stress, and now I can't leave

every once in a while I'll log on to vindictus for old times sake. I played that one pretty religiously in high school
last edit on Jul 22, 2018 22:39:59 GMT by k̾u̾r̾a̾ 💩
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Deletedearned bits
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warframe, which i have mentioned before somewhere or other. me and the boyfriend play it regularly.

if asked to i return to league of legends on occasion but not like i used to, simply because i played it more to play with friends than anything else.

I occasionally look back on AION just because its one of a rare few mmos i enjoyed playing on my own and check up on GRAND CHASE every so often though it's never been the same since it was bought out (the original owners did a damn good job of balancing free to play with the buy in stuff but once they sold it the new guys pretty much destroyed is and made it a spend half your yearly income or don't bother playing kind of game). it's sill fun to drop back into sometimes- not that i have recently though.

there is one i used to play a lot with friends i can't remember the actual name of because we used to call it "chibi world" it was chinese and the models were all super cute chibi's and i had a tiny little ram pet named rammy... it was green and adorable. i was actually going to try it again but now i can't find it anywhere :"D
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lychee💖earned bits
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come take a look before fallin at my feet. all i'll ever know is life up on a throne
I'm always always playing League so I dunno if that counts since I've never left it lol nothing riot has ever done has really made me want to quit. The game being patched and evolving is just part of it and what keeps it interesting to me 

Overwatch I play occasionally. This is the one my fiance goes back and forth on so whenever he's feeling it I'm down to play.

But I go back to GW2 for nostalgia and then play for a while before I get sad that all of my friends haven't logged in in years. I even tried a new account for a super fresh start but it just doesn't hold the same feeling ):
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foxtrottearned bits
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speaking of wow, fun fact: i'm actually in the newest expansion as a vendor LOL my bff works on the content team and she ran out of names so she used mine
funner fact: i sell alcohol in it

League of Legends is my fuckin crack because I hate myself, but no matter how long I go without playing it, I'll always go back to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. I'm in Spring Year 4 of Stardew and I'm just so happy with my farm.


the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
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ullaearned bits
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

overwatch i consider myself an avid participant in still (even if i play less when i'm home for the summer)

maplestory though... i got into it back in, fuck, elementary school? and though i've never played it religiously, sometimes i go back to it and casually fool around to see what new classes they've created or whatnot. i find it a good time sink and companion on low days when i don't feel like doing much of anything!
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