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Discord Aid

106written posts
KOJIearned bits
Full Member
KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
I'm pretty sure my hover is broken, and I'll fix that at some point. But for now, I'm hoping that I posted this in the right place. If not, staff please forgive my ignorance and you have free reign to move this to the correct board.

I'm looking for a discord server moderator of sorts. The server itself is built, but I am ignorant to the most useful bots and features. If anyone can assist (or even take the time to teach me not to be a bother) I'd greatly appreciate it. You wouldn't be required or expected to rp on site by any means, I would just like assistance in making the server look pleasant and come equipped with the fancy bells and whistles.

If you're interested, you can message me on  via PM or discord @ sailorselfie or reply here in the thread.

I appreciate any help you can provide.

xoxo, koji.

last edit on May 29, 2024 11:28:13 GMT by KOJI
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
798written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
I’m not THE most knowledgeable, but I know enough! I’d be more than happy to help you with discord stuff, teach a man to fish and all that. Honestly it might not be a bad idea for a tutorial either, because you’re def not the only person who has had this issue before,
. Feel free to add me on discord @localboogeyman if you’d like!
106written posts
KOJIearned bits
Full Member
KOJI Avatar
virtual angel
profit of doom Avatar
I’m not THE most knowledgeable, but I know enough! I’d be more than happy to help you with discord stuff, teach a man to fish and all that. Honestly it might not be a bad idea for a tutorial either, because you’re def not the only person who has had this issue before,
. Feel free to add me on discord @localboogeyman if you’d like!

I'm 100% sure any nugget(s) of knowledge you're willing to share will take me farther than I could go by myself. Thank you so much! I've sent a request!

scaramouche Avatar
seriously, a tutorial would be fantastic! i'm one of the others who had to ask for help setting mine up, too! good luck you guys! (just wanted to second the need for a tutorial)

Thanks! Yeah, discord has become the crux of communication and ease of access for RP for years now. A solid tutorial or at the very least a "Frequently used Bots" and guide on installation and commands would be stellar. And good luck to you as well!
last edit on May 29, 2024 11:33:22 GMT by KOJI
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