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aliasnght, mre, nightmare, night
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nghtmreearned bits
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Gung Ho! is an action themed roleplay loosely inspired by Dragon Ball Z and other various franchises. It takes place in an alternate universe on the planet Zylar, a planet somewhat similar to Earth where humans and all kinds of other living beings live. Zylar is a setting that is a mixture of multiple genres, mainly fantasy and sci-fi. The planet is at a constant struggle for power and influence amongst people from supernatural races with extravagant abilities, no matter if they were inherited or trained for.


- Face claims will be illustrated and also accepts original art.

- The setting is taken place on a planet called Zylar. Although it is similar to Earth in technology and politics, it is a mixture of various genres such as sci-fi and fantasy. The planet will be consistent of different countries that will have their own government, laws, etc.

- For the time being, there will be no stats. Members can decide on whatever abilities and race a character can have and be. Want to be a Saiyan? Go for it! Want to be a Shinigami? Sure! Want to be a cyborg? No problem! Want to make your own race? Go ahead! There will be, however, restrictions on what your character can or can't be for the sake of balance.

- The site will most likely be on Jcink.

- Characters can form their own groups/factions that can have an impact on the site.

- Members have the ability to host their own events that can have an influence on the site under staff supervision, as well as staff running their own events.

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to this post right here for the small inspiration! I was looking around to make sure if anyone else had a similar idea and they just so happened to have something aligned with what I had in mind!
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henkeiearned bits
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henkei Avatar
A few more questions:

  • You said the site's setting will be like modern day Earth and I'm curious what that might entail or if you have an idea of it. Is this the kind of place where we could expect the general weirdness of Dragon Ball with random monster and animal people in an average crowd? How commonplace are characters with extraordinary abilities?
  • When you say "illustrated", are there any stylistic restrictions (i.e. must be "animanga")? Let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to use Tamiyo from Magic: the Gathering or Despero from DC Comics as an FC.
  • Will certain notable species have pre-written lore for them to keep everyone on the same page?
  • How will the site treat obligatory anime transformations?
  • A lot of stock Dragon Ball races are aliens and I'm curious how you intend to weave those into the setting given that it takes place on a single planet. Will they all just be native to that planet in this setting, or will some characters come from space?

I am extremely apprehensive about joining a Dragon Ball/battle shounen site that uses stats just because, in my experience, it tends to attract the worst kind of role players when it does, and honestly, Dragon Ball just seems to attract a lot of communities I don't vibe with. But unfortunately my brain is already ticking with character concepts, so like...
last edit on Jun 8, 2024 4:33:58 GMT by henkei
aliasnght, mre, nightmare, night
7written posts
nghtmreearned bits
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henkei Avatar
A few more questions:

  • You said the site's setting will be like modern day Earth and I'm curious what that might entail or if you have an idea of it. Is this the kind of place where we could expect the general weirdness of Dragon Ball with random monster and animal people in an average crowd? How commonplace are characters with extraordinary abilities?
  • When you say "illustrated", are there any stylistic restrictions (i.e. must be "animanga")? Let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to use Tamiyo from Magic: the Gathering or Despero from DC Comics as an FC.
  • Will certain notable species have pre-written lore for them to keep everyone on the same page?
  • How will the site treat obligatory anime transformations?
  • A lot of stock Dragon Ball races are aliens and I'm curious how you intend to weave those into the setting given that it takes place on a single planet. Will they all just be native to that planet in this setting, or will some characters come from space?

I am extremely apprehensive about joining a Dragon Ball/battle shounen site that uses stats just because, in my experience, it tends to attract the worst kind of role players when it does, and honestly, Dragon Ball just seems to attract a lot of communities I don't vibe with. But unfortunately my brain is already ticking with character concepts, so like...

Good questions and very valid concerns!

  • The planet in question, Zylar, is akin to Earth in terms of technology and architecture. On the other hand, some parts of the planet are more advanced in technology whereas others appear to be "fantasy". Zylar isn't necessarily another copy of Earth, but instead offers more diversity in its climate and setting a la some areas being "fantasy" and the other being "science fiction". You can definitely expect creatures from DBZ to appear as well as animal type people. I think for the sake of simplicity, I may break Zylar down into cities/"sectors" instead of countries, like DBZ. Characters with special powers are common, unlike Earth where the mundane are the majority population.

  • Your examples count! As long as it isn't CGI or a real person, anything drawn counts as illustrated.

  • I'll also be answering your last question with the third point. Races from DBZ in particular will preexisting lore in connection to how they're relevant on Zylar. The idea is that at some point these races had made a connection to the planet and eventually became somewhat common within the planet's population, which will be more in depth once I get the plot up! Members can also have the ability to create their own races and how they're perceived in Zylar/the galaxy, whether it's a completely original concept or something from a franchise.

  • There will be a total of 5 transformations which will be broken up into "grades"; 1 being the first transformation unlocked and 5 being the highest unlocked. Every character will be in a "Grade 0" base transformation. This is still somewhat in the works, but I plan for these to be unlocked via shop.

The goal of Gung Ho is to focus more on character/narrative arcs that can influence Zylar as a whole rather than end up as a numbers game, so I'm leaning a lot more towards freeform than completely relying on stats to scale a character's power level. I place completely trust in members for them to work out how they want to do PVP or I can implement a system that determines outcomes (i.e. dice system) if necessary. If the development of Gung Ho isn't in favor of its original purpose of being a multiverse that is loosely inspired by DBZ, then at best it'll just be bumped into an au DBZ site and every race that isn't the alien species that exist in DBZ already will just be classified as generic aliens.

Hopefully this answer all of your questions and concerns. If not, feel free to ask more!
last edit on Jun 8, 2024 19:07:53 GMT by nghtmre
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Tylerearned bits
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Tyler Avatar
I'll say this, I do agree with the idea that freeform is best here-- a loose measurement of power, like say a Battle Power/Power Level value could provide plenty of guidance on how characters measure up without dealing with the frustration of dice or a more mechanical combat system.
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The Lawearned bits
The Law
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The Law Avatar
Figured I'd also ask, seeing how the OP stated the setting is inspired by DB + other combat shonen franchises. Is Zylar basically one of those fusionverse-type settings? For those unfamiliar with fanfic terms, a fusion or fusionverse is a subset of crossover where unlike your 'traditional' crossover where the characters are transplanted from their native settings as-is (such as the case with panfandoms in general), or is it a fusion AU where the different source materials are weaved together (often with varying degrees of creative reinterpretation) into a cohesive setting?

Because if it's the latter, then I'm really interested, since fusion-type settings are one of my favourite RP backdrops. That being said, on a more minor point - are characters going to be all OCs, or are canon characters from the source materials also allowed so long as they can be reinterpreted to fit a fused setting?
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braveoearned bits
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braveo Avatar

Personally think this sounds like an amazing idea! I've been on a couple of DBZ and DB-adjacent forums and definitely think a free-form approach works best. Like others have mentioned, power scaling and have a clear-cut power level system is vital and I am curious what you might have planned!

As an aside, if you are ever looking for someone to help out staffing-wise, I'd love to contribute! This is a genre type close to home for me and I always love to see it thriving, especially since it's been a bit scarce in the past year.
last edit on Jun 9, 2024 22:10:33 GMT by braveo
aliasnght, mre, nightmare, night
7written posts
nghtmreearned bits
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Tyler Avatar
I'll say this, I do agree with the idea that freeform is best here-- a loose measurement of power, like say a Battle Power/Power Level value could provide plenty of guidance on how characters measure up without dealing with the frustration of dice or a more mechanical combat system.

Originally I never thought about having some sort of measurement (with the exception of transformations since those are a very vital component to PVPs) since I place my trust in members to work with each other how they want to settle out battle scenarios. My goal is for everyone to collaborative arcs and stories without any sort of scaling. No one will be "stronger" than the other and members can determine the outcome of their battles. After giving it some consideration, however, I do think it might be safer to have a power scaling system of some sort which can help better determine outcomes in battles! That said, I may create a tier system of what characters are capable of in terms of combat, attacks, etc, which is still up in the air!

The Law Avatar
Figured I'd also ask, seeing how the OP stated the setting is inspired by DB + other combat shonen franchises. Is Zylar basically one of those fusionverse-type settings? For those unfamiliar with fanfic terms, a fusion or fusionverse is a subset of crossover where unlike your 'traditional' crossover where the characters are transplanted from their native settings as-is (such as the case with panfandoms in general), or is it a fusion AU where the different source materials are weaved together (often with varying degrees of creative reinterpretation) into a cohesive setting?

Because if it's the latter, then I'm really interested, since fusion-type settings are one of my favourite RP backdrops. That being said, on a more minor point - are characters going to be all OCs, or are canon characters from the source materials also allowed so long as they can be reinterpreted to fit a fused setting?

The latter! I want everything to be connected to each other in some way, with the combination of material from other franchises with some original ideas rather than the default multiverse setting where every character comes from their own respective setting and brought into a new one. Also, I'm only allowing OCs.

braveo Avatar

Personally think this sounds like an amazing idea! I've been on a couple of DBZ and DB-adjacent forums and definitely think a free-form approach works best. Like others have mentioned, power scaling and have a clear-cut power level system is vital and I am curious what you might have planned!

As an aside, if you are ever looking for someone to help out staffing-wise, I'd love to contribute! This is a genre type close to home for me and I always love to see it thriving, especially since it's been a bit scarce in the past year.

Tysm for the offer of lending a hand! I might actually take it soon lol. I do hope to make sure that everything goes accordingly and that it will last as long as it can!
53written posts
braveoearned bits
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braveo Avatar
nghtmre Avatar
Tyler Avatar
I'll say this, I do agree with the idea that freeform is best here-- a loose measurement of power, like say a Battle Power/Power Level value could provide plenty of guidance on how characters measure up without dealing with the frustration of dice or a more mechanical combat system.
Originally I never thought about having some sort of measurement (with the exception of transformations since those are a very vital component to PVPs) since I place my trust in members to work with each other how they want to settle out battle scenarios. My goal is for everyone to collaborative arcs and stories without any sort of scaling. No one will be "stronger" than the other and members can determine the outcome of their battles. After giving it some consideration, however, I do think it might be safer to have a power scaling system of some sort which can help better determine outcomes in battles! That said, I may create a tier system of what characters are capable of in terms of combat, attacks, etc, which is still up in the air!

The Law Avatar
Figured I'd also ask, seeing how the OP stated the setting is inspired by DB + other combat shonen franchises. Is Zylar basically one of those fusionverse-type settings? For those unfamiliar with fanfic terms, a fusion or fusionverse is a subset of crossover where unlike your 'traditional' crossover where the characters are transplanted from their native settings as-is (such as the case with panfandoms in general), or is it a fusion AU where the different source materials are weaved together (often with varying degrees of creative reinterpretation) into a cohesive setting?

Because if it's the latter, then I'm really interested, since fusion-type settings are one of my favourite RP backdrops. That being said, on a more minor point - are characters going to be all OCs, or are canon characters from the source materials also allowed so long as they can be reinterpreted to fit a fused setting?

The latter! I want everything to be connected to each other in some way, with the combination of material from other franchises with some original ideas rather than the default multiverse setting where every character comes from their own respective setting and brought into a new one. Also, I'm only allowing OCs.

braveo Avatar
Personally think this sounds like an amazing idea! I've been on a couple of DBZ and DB-adjacent forums and definitely think a free-form approach works best. Like others have mentioned, power scaling and have a clear-cut power level system is vital and I am curious what you might have planned!

As an aside, if you are ever looking for someone to help out staffing-wise, I'd love to contribute! This is a genre type close to home for me and I always love to see it thriving, especially since it's been a bit scarce in the past year.

Tysm for the offer of lending a hand! I might actually take it soon lol. I do hope to make sure that everything goes accordingly and that it will last as long as it can!
Of course! My discord ID is @ , same as my username on here, if you ever want to poke me.

Aside from that, I think having a basic power scaling system -- whether it's a general thing where certain characters can purchase items or skills from a shop, get experience points from events, or are allotted points to distribute to skills from the get-go -- is vital in a shonen RP like this to determine power.

I think simplicity is key with a system like that (so that it doesn't get too complicated or numbers based) and its purpose is to just avoid metagaming/powerplaying.

It's excellent to put trust in members, but every so often you might either have a dispute among members regarding "who should be stronger" or a bad actor who is purposefully overstating their power. In cases like these, I think implementing a power system is important. Those are just my thoughts though. (≧▽≦)
last edit on Jun 10, 2024 23:13:48 GMT by braveo