Back to the Stars ( mizo's shop )

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Mizoearned bits
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Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.

Hello, my name is Mizo, and I make graphics. I can make icons, site banners, signatures, advertisements, hovers, and affiliates. Please read the rules and fill up the forms, thank you!

  1. please be patient, i'm pretty busy and this is a hobby
  2. please give me an idea of what you want
  3. state the dimensions and fill up the form properly
  4. please don't remove my watermark
  5. if it's a site banner, please credit me in the site footer
  6. please state the dimensions of your graphic
  7. if it takes longer than a week, PM me
  8. don't request the same graphic from another graphic maker if you requested it from me, please.

[b]graphic type:[/b]
[b]sub-text:[/b] ( if any )
[b]images:[/b] ( optional )
[b]face-claim:[/b] ( optional )
[b]theme:[/b] a general idea, if any?
[b]anything else?:[/b]

last edit on Oct 6, 2018 8:09:50 GMT by Mizo

81written posts
Lacunaearned bits
Junior Member
Lacuna Avatar
we're all dancing to the same sad song
graphic type:
images: seeing your work, i trust your taste but i'll link my zc favourites in case you need ideas. i've only started building it up tho so it's pretty sparse
face-claim: n/a
theme: our next skin is gonna be black/dark purple, so a colour scheme to match that would be rad. thematically, something edgy/dark involving fighting, angst, witchcraft, etc. would fit pretty well. font-wise, i'd love playfair display but that's not really a hard requirement if you find it doesn't work well. no preference when it comes to gif or static. whatever floats your goat! for words....i think the site's name (megalomania) and genre (original dark fantasy) will be sufficient. 
anything else?: i jumped for joy when i saw you had a shop open. your graphics are amazing!
330written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.

heya ,
thank you very much for your kind words! It took me a few checks before I got the name completely right, and I'm sorry I couldn't add more purple in the graphic. Remember to rehost, and I hope you like it!

last edit on Jul 31, 2018 15:23:30 GMT by Mizo

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276written posts
forteearned bits
Senior Member
forte Avatar
graphic type: advertisement & signature 
dimensions: about 400x500 & 450x150; feel free to change it if they make the cropping harder
images: Your graphics are amazing and I'm positive I'll love whatever you choose!
face-claim: Up to you!
theme: Surreality spans a few different genres, but a few themes that'd work are dark wonderland, cyberpunk/fantasy, and that Gas Mask Aesthetic™. If you have an idea that doesn't fit into these categories though, that's fine! I'm honestly happy with whatever!
anything else?: Your graphics are beautiful. Bless your face.
last edit on Jul 31, 2018 19:59:36 GMT by forte
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
1,433written posts
ullaearned bits
ulla Avatar
in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

graphic type: site advertisement
dimensions: anywhere from 450x450 to 500x500 (whatever you think works best!)
images: i trust your instincts, but nothing with a pokemon in it!
face-claim: n/a
theme: so event horizon is a pokemon shifter rp and in general i've tried to keep a bit to the theme of astronomy/stars/etc, so maybe something a bit whimsical/fantasy-esque? that being said, for the ad i don't really have a definitive picture in mind (since i usually just use a mediocre rehash of whatever i choose for the skin's banner). like i said above though, i would prefer if the ad didn't feature pokemon since most pokemon art is very trainer + pokemon.
anything else?: honestly your work is stunning to me, and i really couldn't pass up the opportunity to get my grubby little gremlin hands on something on yours since you're offering to the community so kindly. please take all the time that you need (this is actually like a dream come true of sorts)
330written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.

heya ,
I really like the aesthetic of surreality, and I think that's why it took me so long to figure out what to do to really bring out the site's essence. I'm worried that the advertisement might induce nausea or headaches, but I hope you like the gif effect nevertheless. Do tell me if you want a static version of the ad! I hope you like this, and please remember to rehost the image! Thank you for requesting!

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276written posts
forteearned bits
Senior Member
forte Avatar
Mizo Avatar

heya ,
I really like the aesthetic of surreality, and I think that's why it took me so long to figure out what to do to really bring out the site's essence. I'm worried that the advertisement might induce nausea or headaches, but I hope you like the gif effect nevertheless. Do tell me if you want a static version of the ad! I hope you like this, and please remember to rehost the image! Thank you for requesting!


It totally captures its feel and is totally My Aesthetic™! Thank you SO MUCH!
last edit on Aug 6, 2018 17:51:37 GMT by forte
100written posts
lunarearned bits
Full Member
lunar Avatar
graphic type: advertisement
dimensions: 500x500
text: "can you feel the pressure?"
sub-text: a statless monster hunter roleplay
images: I trust you, but I would love something involving Monster Hunter World/Monster Hunter Stories! Please and thank you!
theme: FTP (Feel the Pressure) is an upcoming Monster Hunter World/Stories RP. The site has been made, but it's not finished as of yet. If you would like a link to the site to help give you an idea of the color scheme, let me know!
anything else?: You are absolutely amazing at what you do, and I can't wait to see what you come up with!!
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276written posts
forteearned bits
Senior Member
forte Avatar
Mizo Avatar

heya ,
I'm sorry for being late with this graphic! I hope you like this, and I hope the gif doesn't glitch because I might cry if it does. Do tell me if you want any changes, and please remember to rehost! Thank you!

Omg!!! It's!!! Gorgeous!!!

No worries about the wait! Just the fact that I was able to get two beautiful graphics from you is more than enough; plus, it was well worth it!

Thank you so much, you do such great work!