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Staffing Confessions

Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
I swear, I always find spelling mistakes or tiny errors in site threads when I am on my character accounts. Then I say "Oh, I will fix it when I finish this post." Then because I have a goldfish memory I forget and a few days pass and of course, I find it again while on a character account. ;D This is an endless cycle.
last edit on Jun 22, 2019 12:10:26 GMT by Chibi Magician
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Left a Disboard link up for about a month and a half. Got about 40 spam bots that randomly DMed people and never talked in chat so it was a pain in the ass to get all of them. I did get one member out of it, but overall I would not recommend. They weren't even good spam bots either, some seemed to go weeks without DMing anyone or maybe it's just the fact that I have the filter enabled on my discord.
last edit on Jun 25, 2019 6:15:32 GMT by wolfe
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Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I like avoiding typos at all costs. I don't mind being told of typos because I will go in and fix them, despite being embarrassed over the typo. Though if the person who told me made it seem like they'd join or had joined and doesn't return, I get slightly frustrated because by god, it was just a typo and everybody makes mistakes. x.x
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
I get messaged to edit something in claims, but I always have to ask "Can you post it, please? My memory is horrible." I do not mind one bit being messaged to edit something if somebody cannot post right that instant, but my goldfish memory would finish a post, pause and be like "Oh! Look, another post!" I am like a raven searching for shiny objects, so posting is really the best method to make sure I get something done. XD
last edit on Jun 30, 2019 23:41:10 GMT by Chibi Magician
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
I have noticed a trend because of how much memory goes to my site. Whenever I am thinking "Huh, haven't seen new members in a while." They all come during the activity check. XD First day of activity check and 3 newbies. On a side note, welcome, always happy to see some new ideas~!
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I seriously woke up this morning, wrote my friend on discord and found myself surprised and excited that I had staff duties to do. I was also reminded that I might want to check it daily because within a day we managed to get more links backs to double check they were placed in the correct board by finding my own ad on their site first.
last edit on Oct 29, 2021 20:46:12 GMT by Deleted
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
Senior Member
wolfe Avatar
Idk about y'all, but I'm a dinosaur when it comes to this and I notice I have these thoughts when I go to do new stuff like 'X admin I used to work with would hate this' or 'Y member base would never stand for this and it'd be a shitshow' that limits me sometimes even though it's irrational.

I've worked with a lot of people over the years who had very specific and intense dislikes, and I'm instantly reminded of them every time I do something I know they'd be vehemently opposed to. As time passes more and more of those things tend to be outdated, but some of them aren't yet. I still remember when people used to have heated arguments over whether installing a chatbox would kill a site or not, now everyone has discords. My side wins!

Come to think about it, I wonder if there are some random people I've worked with in the past who are similarly nostalgic/jumpy whenever someone mentions the word scenario. Scenario boards have been the hill that I would die on for years, even if they never really took off. Enabling member-ran events on a large scale was the way I saw forums moving forward, but I lost that one at least so far.

I also vehemently hated Chatango, but that particular pet peeve isn't really relevant anymore. That being said, if any of y'all install a Chatango chatbox on your site I am hard judging even harder than before because now we have Discord.