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Dark Empress
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Empress Yuki
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Do you think we can be just like you?
Wraith Avatar
One of my main issues with Discord resource hubs is this:

Discord isn’t going to last, like all IMs. Jcink and other free forum hosts won’t last forever either, but they have stayed around longer than a lot of the top instant messengers over time. And it's easy to make back-ups of forums. With how Discord’s been trying to make itself more profitable, and failing, it’s only a matter of time until it degrades further, or closes. It isn’t a good place for resources to be stored. It’s exceptionally easy to lose everything, it’s a pain to back-up Discord servers (and some of the methods count as self-bots and can get you banned), it isn't actually designed to store lots of data for the sake of it, it's for chatting. People who use Discord as an image host/place to store information for example are only waiting for the day it becomes completely unusable. It's temporary convenience, and not always really /that convenient/.

Discord already going that route. There's an announcement weeks ago saying all imgs submitted going to be temperorary and after certain amount of time, it will deleted off the server.

Also regarding jcink resource hub, I am absolutely love to have it. Pb is great but the fact the coding language is different makes me @.@ when i try to submit my resource. I am fine with having pb resources and jcink resources seperated and keeping them in respective sites. Heck, if u need help staffing, i can pitch in. I had experienced manning jcink reaource sites in the past b4 my hiatus.
last edit on Mar 5, 2024 4:10:07 GMT by Empress Yuki
Dark Empress
402written posts
Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
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Empress Yuki Avatar
Do you think we can be just like you?
i am the type to write on app field itself. very rarely i would write my app on gdoc or other writing app. the only time i would write on gdoc is my posts. plus, i have Grammarly premium and it's embedded in everywhere i can write on. and yes including in pixel replies
Dark Empress
402written posts
Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
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Empress Yuki Avatar
Do you think we can be just like you?
I am very much female and identified as one. However because I read a lot of shonen, yaoi, shonen ai manhwa/manga, my taste geared towards playing as male ocs. Not only that, barring otome games, I would 100% choose male mcs just so I can admire and accumulate data for my future ocs.

Some ocs I would reuse old fcs, but most would have new fcs from whichever series I fancy.

this is just my personal pet peeve, but i dislike the breast propotion on females. Some are too big for my taste. Some, not all...
Dark Empress
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Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
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Do you think we can be just like you?
ditto become human Avatar
Empress Yuki Avatar
Very well. Buckle up. It's going to be a ride. /dons on teacher's glass and brings out whiteboard

So basically, Esper/Guide verse is a genre that follows closely with alpha/omega verse with a few different caveat than omegaverse.

Esper is someone who has powers, mostly combative powers like flame manipulation, etc,etc. This combative power makes them powerful, however, they have a very significant drawback. They will accumulate bad 'energy' that can make them go insane and be incredibly destructive.

This is where guide comes in. Guide will take away that 'bad energy' and soothe the esper. Esper won't have to worry about going insane again when they have guide to dispell the bad energy for them.

Now as to how they dispell the 'bad energy'? A simple answer: Physical intimacy and sexual intercourse.

Oh and esper/guide typically have ranks. Guides can only guide the espers if they are compatible.

Which brings us to compability rate. To ensure both the guide and esper wellbeing (more so with espers since espers need to use their power to kill monsters), the compability rate must be high, at least 50%. This is to ensure their energy did not reject with each other during guiding.

The higher the compability rate, the higher the chance the guide will be sucessful.

So, that conclude our crash course on esper/guide verse. Any question?
where did this come from? What is its historical origins

Esper/Guide verse is quite popular in shounen-ai and yaoi genre. I've noticed they carry similar premise, despite having different titles. Historically, they start off as sentine/guide but somewhere along the line it changes to esper/guide. Try looking the TV show, Sentinel. It derived from there.
last edit on Dec 1, 2023 12:00:08 GMT by Empress Yuki
Dark Empress
402written posts
Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
Senior Member
Empress Yuki Avatar
Do you think we can be just like you?
ditto become human Avatar
Empress Yuki Avatar
Do u want short version or long version?
long im not a coward

Very well. Buckle up. It's going to be a ride. /dons on teacher's glass and brings out whiteboard

So basically, Esper/Guide verse is a genre that follows closely with alpha/omega verse with a few different caveat than omegaverse.

Esper is someone who has powers, mostly combative powers like flame manipulation, etc,etc. This combative power makes them powerful, however, they have a very significant drawback. They will accumulate bad 'energy' that can make them go insane and be incredibly destructive.

This is where guide comes in. Guide will take away that 'bad energy' and soothe the esper. Esper won't have to worry about going insane again when they have guide to dispell the bad energy for them.

Now as to how they dispell the 'bad energy'? A simple answer: Physical intimacy and sexual intercourse.

Oh and esper/guide typically have ranks. Guides can only guide the espers if they are compatible.

Which brings us to compability rate. To ensure both the guide and esper wellbeing (more so with espers since espers need to use their power to kill monsters), the compability rate must be high, at least 50%. This is to ensure their energy did not reject with each other during guiding.

The higher the compability rate, the higher the chance the guide will be sucessful.

So, that conclude our crash course on esper/guide verse. Any question?
last edit on Dec 1, 2023 11:34:10 GMT by Empress Yuki