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Staffing Confessions

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Deletedearned bits
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So ever since joining the staff team, I've viewed the assignments as homework, so when ever there is none I have half a mind of demanding where my homework is.... Just because it has to get done and sometimes one doesn't want to do it... Anyway, where is my homework? I got no advertisements or character reviews to do. x.x
last edit on Nov 17, 2019 15:45:58 GMT by Deleted
Rodent King
1,735written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
Sometimes I think members don't understand that staffing is hard work, and is like having a second job. Speaking from both experience and from just observing on the sidelines.

It takes a lot to run a site and keep it active and engaging.
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Bruh I am finally going completely unchained and doing the events I've always wanted to play in with 150% max ambition.

I have no idea if they're actually feasible in Play by Post, but if they are HOO BOY I am changing up significantly how I do events in the long term. Total genre shift to Drama/Horror and Drama/Suspense for a bit so I can get PUMPED to write again let's goooo
stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
I dunno where to put this really (I guess here, since it's from a staff PoV) but sometimes idk how to deal with the big bag of YikesTM that presents itself in members who just seem to... hate female characters. Or vice-versa. IDK. I get that it's a sort of bias coming from the person themselves, but it's kind of incredibly worrisome to see this kind of behaviour continue to track on in 2019 (going on 2020 now). And it's like, no matter how polite you can be, these members won't give certain gendered characters a break.

I feel like this problem stems from elsewhere that's not inherently RP and possibly just someone's ill tastes, but like can we all just get along for one moment and appreciate all genders of characters?

Also, a character's personality =/= a representation of what the writer's views, beliefs, and etc. are. 

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aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
being staff, i think it's important to not let members bend you backwards all the time. just because people are members doesn't mean their opinions and input should all be valued because sometimes you get some bad eggs in the basket who really don't know what they're talking about.
last edit on Dec 18, 2019 3:15:02 GMT by honey and the forgor land
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
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pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
honey and the forgor land Avatar
being staff, i think it's important to not let members bend you backwards all the time. just because people are members doesn't mean their opinions and input should all be valued because sometimes you get some bad eggs in the basket who really don't know what they're talking about.

I think when it comes to staffing, all suggestions/complaints/et cetera should be considered, but it's simply unrealistic to think that every possible member desire can be made into a reality, especially since what everyone wants out of an RP is going to be different. Flat out rejecting ideas (to disclaim, that's not what I thought your post was about, just what it got me thinking about, sdjlfhkfjsdh) is a lot less productive than thinking of potential ways that ideas can be, at least partially incorporated into a site to make it potentially better than it originally was. Some things will work out exactly as planned, some things can work with compromise, some things will make you realize you can perfect something unrelated, and some things just... can't work. When stuff like that comes up, you can't hold it against yourself as an owner or staffer for not meeting every individuals' needs. At the very least, at the end of the day, it's your site. If meeting a member's needs works against your own, then it's probably not something you want on your site.

On a personal note, I wish I knew how to combat staff burnout. ToT Sometimes I just look at claims threads, and even though it'd take me two minutes max to update, my brain's just like... "Not today, bucko..."
346written posts
Mizoearned bits
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If you are reading this, I am beautiful.
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On a personal note, I wish I knew how to combat staff burnout. ToT Sometimes I just look at claims threads, and even though it'd take me two minutes max to update, my brain's just like... "Not today, bucko..."

Probably unwarranted advice, and I'm super sorry about the rambling.

My best suggestion is to not make your site the center of your life. That's a mistake I often make; either by talking to members 24/7, or worrying about whether or not my previous sites are active enough. However, once I found things I like to do that has nothing to do with roleplaying (ie. hanging out with friends, watching videos, watching animes, reading), I would just find time to forcibly drop everything related to the site and just-do what I want. Seeing your rp site as a side hobby- and reminding yourself that it is can help with the feeling that you somehow have heavy obligations to handle. You'll find muse by watching/reading/seeing new things, because nothing new or creative can slither out by staring at your site for hours.

Also, I would recommend just finding time to enjoy the site for yourself! I have a small group of friends I just enjoy writing with, and to me, everything and everyone else that comes after that, while absolutely welcomed, are secondary, because I stopped feeling desperate for members to stay or be active. If they want to, that's cool and I would LOVE to write with them, but if they don't feel like it, that's okay too! Just the feeling of doing my own thing and writing stories with my friends and new people makes me... not mind doing staff work, if that makes sense!

Just take your time, do what you love, and find other things to do as well, and hopefully, staff chores will genuinely feel better after a while!

10written posts
raavaearned bits
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honey and the forgor land Avatar
being staff, i think it's important to not let members bend you backwards all the time. just because people are members doesn't mean their opinions and input should all be valued because sometimes you get some bad eggs in the basket who really don't know what they're talking about.

Adding to this, I think it's especially important to pay attention when you notice members who don't normally have any complaints suddenly feel the need to speak out. I also confess that I've been guilty of putting too much faith in other staff members rather than listening (and I hope I can be better in the future).
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
i love being staff because i can personally see to the longevity of a site and can properly invest my time when i'm normally so flighty with sites and unable to reach out to people to plot as a casual member
26written posts
himearned bits
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When being staff, it's extremely rewarding when members acknowledge your efforts and time placed into ensuring a site continues to run smoothly. I think sometimes members forget that you too are a roleplayer trying to have fun on a site, so when they do appreciate your effort, it feels a bit nice.
last edit on Dec 23, 2019 15:27:32 GMT by him
3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
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I've always observed that people are worse off getting randos to help them staff sites than they would be staffing on their own, but now I have science to back up this observation and it feels great.

Don't be afraid to staff on your own! I've done it quite a lot and it's always felt better than staffing in groups, unless I'm BFFs with them already.
41written posts
ghostieearned bits
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Staffing makes me nervous if I'm alone. I honesty have a lot of staffing experience from back in the day but these days I'm way too nervous to start a site alone or to head one in general. It just seems so daunting and especially because you don't have that friend there to bounce ideas off of. I genuinely enjoy staffing but I usually prefer co-owning or being an underling to the head admin.
last edit on Dec 25, 2019 22:06:49 GMT by ghostie
446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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I enjoy solo staffing a lot more than I thought I would, honestly.

After being part of multiple large staff teams where even admins had to get approval from multiple people so nobody felt like they were left out or excluded and naturally only logged in once or twice a week. This tended to make the process feel as much like going through the DMV as possible, so it's been really nice for me to just see an idea somewhere else or watch a storytelling structure type video and be able to just add it in.

It also avoids us having to keep legacy systems/ways of doing things that are later found to be awful in order to avoid hurting feelings. I made everything, and if I determine at any point that the way my site does things is awful I can change it immediately to some other thing I think will work better. There is absolutely no reason why application/beginner's guide language should stay the same, for example, if it's not serving its purpose.

Basically I get the freedom to improve my site as I see fit without worrying about the social aspect of someone saying that they worked hard on a system/idea that ended up sucking that they want to cling to. Now it's me who worked hard on a system/idea that ended up sucking and I've worked very hard over the years to not tie my self-worth to the things that I make. I make bad decisions like I make bad posts -- it happens and sometimes I think I know better when I really don't. But I'm also not married to that bad decision when I realize I was an idiot and it can be done much better and more simply.

One of my least favorite parts of large staff teams in the past was the OOC politicking. If someone didn't like the answer one staffer gave, they asked all of them individually until they got the answer they wanted and then ran with it with that single approval despite 1-5 people saying no before that. With smaller staff teams that is much more condensed to members realizing if the staffer says no that actually means no.

Sometimes that means that what they want is something the site cannot accommodate, and that's great! I link them to other RWBY sites that I know can accommodate them. I have no interest in villains or full grown huntsman, for example, which are valid things that someone might want to roleplay in a RWBY game that I chose not to include to make sure everyone can RP with each other. Which is another thing that solo staffing lets me do -- direct people to other sites I know of that may fit their expressed interests without being regarded as a 'traitor' or whatever.

Wanna play in a pokemon setting? Check out Hoenn! Want a VRMMO? Check out Endorrain!

Like I keep up on sites that pop out way outside my genre because of their presence on here because I like seeing the things that particular sites do really well so I can see what smarter people do to solve the problems that I have. If I have a confidence based off of my impressions here or elsewhere that the members/staff of a site are solid, I have zero problem recommending them and a lot of people I recommend tend to stay in the sites I direct them to for months I've noticed. I don't consider that to be a failure on my part, because frankly a hot dog stand can't really do a lot when confronted with a vegetarian or someone who hates hot dogs -- they can only point to the best vegetarian place that they know. If you're looking for hot dogs, we got some great ones, but if you're not we can't really provide anything for you. Someone looking for ice cream at your hot dog stand being directed to an ice cream shop is not you betraying your site or being a bad admin, it's you actually helping build the animanga community and leaving a positive impression on someone who will then remember your site possibly when your niche is mentioned again by someone in their circle.

In contrast, lying and saying you have ice cream and then giving them the hot dog they expressed they did not want will just make them angry and hate you forever. I have enough people who have sworn to hate me for all eternity from my early teenage years on forum RP, and I really don't need or desire more. When I have a few months of free time and decide to join another site for a bit, I tend to enjoy the `Hey welcome to our site!` vibe a lot more than the 4 people in weird black hoods and robes muttering about how the day of reckoning is at hand. That was cool when I was 12 and edgy and thought anybody knowing me for any reason was good, but less so now when I go to places to chill out and do character concepts I can't use on my own site for whatever reason.
last edit on Dec 27, 2019 19:16:15 GMT by wolfe