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Staffing Confessions

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Kuroya Avatar
am i the only staffer who gets a lil exasperated any time someone ghosts in the week after an activity check?

like. i'm not mad, and they definitely have the right to do it, i just sigh loudly cuz gdi i literally just got the site tidy and now i have to wait almost a full month to clean those accounts out through the proper procedure even though it's p clear they're gone.

How do you know they ghosted if its only been a week?
phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
How do you know they ghosted if its only been a week?

in my experience, if someone's part of the discord and suddenly leaves the server without warning and doesn't do anything on the site in the following few days (posting, logging in, etc), then yeah, they're almost definitely ghosting

(since i've maybe had someone leave the server but stick around on the site, idk, at most five times in the two or three years i've had discord as the prime chatting medium, and i generally had some kind of heads up somewhere + it was p obvious they weren't leaving since they still maintained an active presence on the site afterwards)

last edit on Jan 10, 2021 18:30:11 GMT by Kuroya

Elemental Enthusiast
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eternally tired
I really want to work on this site but everytime I look at it my brain goes "it's not going to be worth the effort, nobody else is going to care about this" and even though it's probably not true, it's a very demotivating thought that I don't know how to get rid of :/
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
Mari Avatar
I really want to work on this site but everytime I look at it my brain goes "it's not going to be worth the effort, nobody else is going to care about this" and even though it's probably not true, it's a very demotivating thought that I don't know how to get rid of :/
You can always post one of those interest check thingies that they do here. Honestly I also thought of giving up awhile back. It took almost a year of constantly trying to drive things forward with just me and one other person. But now we have like 10 members, which doesn't seem like a lot, but they're all very active and involved and we all talk on discord constantly and it's really fun. Even if it's small. 

Everything you do is worth doing, because no one else will. No one else will have the same ideas or do what you do the way you do it. So even if it doesn't work out, at least you tried. You can take it as an accomplishment. And who knows, maybe after trying for awhile,  it'll come back full force and stronger than you ever hoped it would be <3

phantom of the black parade
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4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Tyler Avatar
Members, I need y'all to realize we are never going to have a NSFW channel, so please stop asking, thank ya.

okay but to briefly play devil's advocate for your members here-

a nsfw channel does not necessarily mean that it's going to be porn or smut or gore or what-have-you. in fact, on the servers i run, i've actually explicitly put up the disclaimer in the channel description that "this is not for porn" - because the thing is, there's a lot of middle ground between that explicit stuff and stuff i would be okay with having my boss / professor / fellow student / coworkers / a complete stranger seeing up on my screen with 0 outside context. (like as an example, the last thing i posted in a nsfw channel was a piece of fanart in the format of the meme with the guy downing a bottle of wine mostly naked with his crotch area covered by someone holding up a glass of wine because like.... imo it's definitely not porn but i would definitely not want that to be something i have pulled up on a publicly accessible computer for obvious reasons).

if you still insist on not having the channel, that's fine, and i definitely respect that, just. like i said, i wanted to play devil's advocate because sometimes i'll find stuff i wanna share that's definitely not something entirely inappropriate for me to share in a public server but is also not something i'd feel comfortable posting up in a general channel with no ability to opt out of it, y'know?
last edit on Jan 21, 2021 20:47:55 GMT by Kuroya

125written posts
Tylerearned bits
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Tyler Avatar
Members, I need y'all to realize we are never going to have a NSFW channel, so please stop asking, thank ya.
okay but to briefly play devil's advocate for your members here-

a nsfw channel does not necessarily mean that it's going to be porn or smut or gore or what-have-you. in fact, on the servers i run, i've actually explicitly put up the disclaimer in the channel description that "this is not for porn" - because the thing is, there's a lot of middle ground between that explicit stuff and stuff i would be okay with having my boss / professor / fellow student / coworkers / a complete stranger seeing up on my screen with 0 outside context. (like as an example, the last thing i posted in a nsfw channel was a piece of fanart in the format of the meme with the guy downing a bottle of wine mostly naked with his crotch area covered by someone holding up a glass of wine because like.... imo it's definitely not porn but i would definitely not want that to be something i have pulled up on a publicly accessible computer for obvious reasons).

if you still insist on not having the channel, that's fine, and i definitely respect that, just. like i said, i wanted to play devil's advocate because sometimes i'll find stuff i wanna share that's definitely not something entirely inappropriate for me to share in a public server but is also not something i'd feel comfortable posting up in a general channel with no ability to opt out of it, y'know?
I mean, that's a fair perspective. The reason I am ultimately against it is because, in my mind, it's just going to be a bunch of people being horny or weird in a way that is not conducive to the way I run my sites. The way I see it, my site is PG-13 and the Discord is too. And yeah, you can make the argument that it's "opt-in", but ultimately, it's a very thin barrier and an area my staff and I still have to moderate. Like, I am not shaming anyone for having it-- I've been part of Discords that do have it-- however, it comes down to the fact that it creates an uncomfortable space that not everyone is able to ignore; the Discord is an extension of my site and a reflection on it. Again, no shame to those who do have them, but I would prefer to avoid the messiness that comes with it.

Also, I should clarify: it's not something people request en masse. I use the word "members" to represent the rare individual who asks in a blue moon, with varying levels of awkward when the idea is turned down.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Tyler Avatar
I mean, that's a fair perspective. The reason I am ultimately against it is because, in my mind, it's just going to be a bunch of people being horny or weird in a way that is not conducive to the way I run my sites. The way I see it, my site is PG-13 and the Discord is too. And yeah, you can make the argument that it's "opt-in", but ultimately, it's a very thin barrier and an area my staff and I still have to moderate. Like, I am not shaming anyone for having it-- I've been part of Discords that do have it-- however, it comes down to the fact that it creates an uncomfortable space that not everyone is able to ignore; the Discord is an extension of my site and a reflection on it. Again, no shame to those who do have them, but I would prefer to avoid the messiness that comes with it.

Also, I should clarify: it's not something people request en masse. I use the word "members" to represent the rare individual who asks in a blue moon, with varying levels of awkward when the idea is turned down.

honestly, the only time i've actually seen nsfw channels become a problem for #toohornyonmain is when the community itself is #toohornyonmain, which is obviously more of an issue with the underlying community than a shortcoming of having the channel in the first place. (and like... real talk, i've never had an issue moderating them and i've had one in the server of every site i've run and/or been part of since discord became a thing, even with them being something you can only see via adding a self-sortable role to yourself and with me keeping the channel muted 24/7 because people know that if they @ me, i will appear there to do what must be done.)

personally, i tend to feel more uncomfortable with a site that doesn't have it by this point that one that does (yes, even in communities where you can't post mature content on the site itself) - both because of that "i really don't want to get in trouble because i clicked on the art channel and someone had posted a comic of lucina getting brushed off when she's asking about how her parents fell in love (their support convos are the two of them walking in on each other bathing, thanks fire emblem: awakening) and someone saw it on my screen" and because i tend to view it as a red flag that the community is probably going to be.... at best, a bit uptight about stuff and at worst, judgmental about me venturing anywhere near anything "too suggestive" just in general.

but i say that as a jcink rper who has spent a few years in the real life community (both of which tend to have older demographics + more chill attitudes towards general nsfw content) so different strokes for different folks.
last edit on Jan 22, 2021 0:10:01 GMT by Kuroya

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AkiraTsunami Avatar
Staffing confession: Am I too disorganized to be an admin? It seems like my to-do list keeps getting longer, and I don't ever seem to do anything on it. I keep getting distracted by doing other things. Slowly, I am ticking things off of my list, but not before I do at least 6 other non-related things first. I feel like I have a serious problem focusing on anything in specific and that I just do things randomly, while avoiding doing things I actually need to do. Oh well.

 I don't know about everyone else, but this is the admin life for me. lol. I'm in a state of being perpetually distracted until I eventually remember to do what I need to be doing, or get into a diligent mindset. 

In my experience, if you take a couple days to get to something, your members will generally understand if they're loyal and care about you and the site. Not to say that you should totally procrastinate on everything, but here and there is normal, and ties into the life.

or maybe I'm a bad admin too, lol
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
MAN I've been reorganizing the boards on my site and it's an absolute nightmare. Nevermind the fact that I am disorganized at best, but I've been putting it off for awhile now and it needs to get done. However, my subboards subboards have subboards just to try and make the main page look a little more streamlined and less lengthy. I hate it, but my members all seem to think that it's okay and it works for them so I'll just live with it I guess. x.x

The sacrifices we make to keep our members happy sometimes x.x lol
last edit on Jan 23, 2021 13:07:52 GMT by AkiraTsunami

446written posts
wolfeearned bits
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Just chiming in on an earlier point about NSFW channels.

I don't have them on my sites because I don't want to moderate one and frankly I'm sick of people posting dick pics in them on previous sites. The thing I've always seen is new member gets a little too personal and posts them, or even worse ones from other people. Yeah, like, I can ban them after that but I still saw it and gave someone a platform for it.

I really don't want to see them or be forced to engage with them, even if it only happens once or twice a year. I really don't want to see that.
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so I'm finding out that it's actually really hard to plan slice-of-life events because I'm so used to over-arching plots and the residual ic drama, and outline of plot progression that comes with that. So, it's really weird to me to be doing like really chill festivals and stuff, and everyone's like... okay with it?! And, like the most dangerous thing to happen is like weather or circumstantially related to resolving differences or, at most, if it's harvest-moon related, restoring 'magic' back into a small town that is relatively normal.

there's like no ginormous fight with monsters or like an endless search for an universally powerful object. It just is, and I love it, and i'm here for it.

I just wish I knew what I was doing asjfajdfalkdfj
last edit on Feb 1, 2021 4:59:38 GMT by Deleted
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
Why do advertisers not read? I have... different boards. One for proboards one for jcink. Please... Do not post your jcink sites in the proboards boards and vice versa? I have it that way for a reason thanks x.x

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
I have re-written this post, like, three times now because I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this in a way that makes sense and also doesn't let my intense saltiness about the matter soil the whole thing.

It's been coming to light recently that there've been incidents on my last couple of sites where discussions happening outside of the server (where I could not see it), but evidently close enough to it that it still managed to get back to the victims of such discussions... well, got back to the victims, which at best drove decent people out of what should've been a safe space for them, or at worst has killed their faith in RP communities to this day. And that bothers me. Immensely. The fact that it happened at all, of course, goes without saying; but the utter helplessness of knowing that maybe I could've done something if I'd known. I don't want this to ever happen again on another site. And I know there's no way to stop friends from venting small grievances in DMs - heck, a little vent can be helpful sometimes to get the frustration out so you can see things a little more objectively afterward - but I want some way to crack down on this 'witch hunting behind staff's back', or whatever you'd call it. It's not welcome in my spaces. Period. Out, out, out.

The question just boils down to, like - how do you enforce something like that? What can you do when that sort of thing happened to stop it, if you don't even see it happened much of the time, and trying to lead by good example doesn't work? I don't want to set up some ban-hammery rule that sparks a witch hunt in the other direction ("Oh, you expressed that you didn't like Jimbo? Sorry, I'm ratting you out to mods to get you GUILLOTINED"), but it's also, like... if someone doesn't step up to stop it when they see it or at least tell someone else who can, what're you ever gonna do.

Hhhhh, 'too long, didn't read', I'm opening discussion/asking for suggestions on how to mitigate toxic behaviors and exclusionism that happens on the very fringes of RP. I feel like I've failed members in the past who were wronged because I learned too little, too late to help them, and I want to know what measures myself and maybe other staff members can take to stop stuff like this from happening again. :/

SECONDARY CONFESSION, because it does feel disingenuous to not be open about this when talking about the above, and it's probably a more thread appropriate confession. Especially last year when 2020 stress was taking its toll on me, but it most certainly didn't start there, I'd use the staff channel as a personal vent channel when certain events or certain members were frustrating me. I didn't even realize how awful that can be until looking back on it, and being in servers where others used those kinds of spaces for similar things. I can't promise that I'll suddenly turn over a new leaf and never, ever do this again - but I can promise that I am actively working to and will continue to work to stop this kind of behavior when I catch myself doing it going forward. There's a difference between a healthy discussion over things that need staff attention and letting your personal irritation get the better of you, and it's a line I'm ashamed to say I've crossed many times. I like to think that I've never let any such vents get the better of my overall impression of a person, and I have never (at least intentionally) spoken of people in a way that was meant to demean them or make the people around me think less of them - but it's still really uncool, and I'm sorry to anyone I might've wronged in this way. 😔
last edit on Feb 3, 2021 2:14:58 GMT by pharaoh leap
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I sometimes question if having a test site is worth it or not. On the one hand I'll get too test out V6, when it comes out. On the other, I really don't like having a list of sites on my global account. So I find myself thinking, am I sure I need this test site?