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Staffing Confessions

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The Lawearned bits
The Law
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Too often I just jump into making a RPG without first thinking what I want for myself out of it, RP-wise. Which is probably why writing the RP etiquette section can prove harder than usual for me. Cause in order to set certain expectations for a RP, the admin needs to know what they themselves want out of a site, and thus ensure that player actions are conducive towards what they want for their RP. Me? Sometimes I don't even know what I want for myself.

A multi-anime shared universe high school RP, est. 2016! In the process of restructuring and rebooting! Estimated re-opening date: End 2024 to Q1 2025
256written posts
The Lawearned bits
The Law
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Anime superpower institute/school/academy RPGs are my RP first love, and still remain a darling of mine. But I find it so hard to run one these days for a number of reasons.

Chief of them being is that unless it's a slice-of-(superpowered)life type RPs, these sites tend to live and die by their overarching, site-wide shonen-style plots. And as an adult with a working and social life, finding the time or energy to keep these plots going can be a challenge.

And secondly, is how easy it is for the site to drift away from its original themes/genre conventions. I.e. Give the site a few site-wide story arcs later, and it almost becomes a given that the titular academy/institute/etc. will get sidelined.

Like, imagine getting Demoted To Extra but on an organizational or institutional level!

Like, I can't speak for others but I do kinda find it a little jarring when the site touts itself as an anime superpowers academy RP, but hardly anyone is RPing stuff like attending heroing classes, participating in after-school club activities, or having some bonding sessions over food and hobbies.

Instead, everyone and their mothers are off fighting space aliens, battling eldritch abominations, infiltrating Illuminati-esque organisations, etc... um, yeah. What a way to kill my engagement in the setting...

TL;DR I love my big, epic story arcs for the site, so it can be kinda disheartening when everyone is just doing their own big epic story arcs (but somehow calling them "character arcs") without my input. Makes me feel redundant and unnecessary.
last edit on Apr 1, 2021 8:21:16 GMT by The Law

A multi-anime shared universe high school RP, est. 2016! In the process of restructuring and rebooting! Estimated re-opening date: End 2024 to Q1 2025
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Deletedearned bits
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first of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who replied/responded to/quoted by inquiry about inactivity on a site and how activity breeds activity, etc. Unfortunately, some of the members ended up leaving, and in lieu of the new members and new applications, I became discouraged because there was no real incentive to post for the majority of the community -- including myself. Knowing what I know now, I probably should have kept it open, but the motivation to post(for me at least) just kind of faded with the fact that I had no real direction for it. I kind of realized that I love being part of laid back, cozy corners, but when it comes to being staff of them, it is kind of disheartening. Don't get me wrong -- I loved being staff to the members who posting and being active and genuinely interested, and adored all the creative character concepts! But, I think in the end, I realized that I generally do better staffing sites that have a general goal or overall plot, or have a lot of different possibilities. sol events are just hard for me to come up with tbh, even though I love sol sites with a passion

On an unrelated note, I just had someone leave me a message in the chatbox about deleting my advertisement just because of my site being hosted by Proboards? I've heard of sites not accepting ads from hosts like Forummotion, and I get that Proboards is not as popular as it once was, but it kind of led me to wonder why we are discriminating any forum hosts at all -- or why you'd even leave a rude remark on my site like that at all, and then not tell me which site it was. I mean, we're all here to have fun, to write, and roleplay and be a part of something bigger than ourselves, right, so why even feel the need to reject other forums at all? And, if you have to delete an ad because it's from a host you hate or don't support, then just do it and go on about your day, or let me know what your forum was so I won't do it again. smh.
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When I advertise, I dodge sites that require me to sign in, don't have a place to advertise or I'm blind and simply can't find it, or I'm unsure on how to format my code because by default I make one for proboards and jcink. Though I will say, if somebody comes onto the site to tell me my advertisement was deleted, depending on how they word their message will depend on if I blacklist their site from mine or not.
last edit on Oct 29, 2021 18:54:33 GMT by Deleted
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when you lose a member because you were trying to be nice and let them know it was their turn up in the event thread, but wasn't actually trying to rush them or anything, and even told them that -- and then you wake up and they have deleted their whole existence from the site and the discord

like why, bruh

I WAS JUST BEING FRIENDLY I SWEAR. like, there was really no pressure.... at all. i'm sorry I scared you away. 
last edit on Apr 4, 2021 15:20:49 GMT by Deleted
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Deletedearned bits
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Mixing staff duties with personal. It has been a true struggle and I'm going to work harder to better myself because if I want to own a site I don't want to make an unfair judgement call. Another reason why I have fought myself in refraining from making a site.
last edit on Oct 29, 2021 18:54:17 GMT by Deleted
145written posts
kewkewearned bits
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Glad I trusted my gut instinct. So I had a staff search a bit back, and homeboy really was all in my DMs on some "I don't do advertising but I'd love to help out", super active, making like three chars where everyone only just had the one (we've just opened). Well, I'm glad I didn't just let them because fast forward not two weeks, homes dead vanished from the site discord just to give the sheepish uwu sorry response when I do my ask around for archiving. Like why did you even offer, lol?
last edit on Apr 4, 2021 22:48:42 GMT by kewkew