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Staffing Confessions

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zeroearned bits
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I keep telling myself things are slow because of school and because of uni, not because my game is dumb and I'm a terrible admin. Not sure it's working
I'm gonna say, these things ebb and flow, so stick it out. A friend runs a site, has done for a while. At first, it was fairly busy, then it went quiet, and now it's back to busy again. Just keep working on the site, advertising, and having fun.
3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
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I keep telling myself things are slow because of school and because of uni, not because my game is dumb and I'm a terrible admin. Not sure it's working

I've been feeling this pretty hard, so I played MMOs with some of my members because they've been too tired to do any posting. It helped quite a bit. <3
454written posts
pixie pieearned bits
pixie pie
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I keep telling myself things are slow because of school and because of uni, not because my game is dumb and I'm a terrible admin. Not sure it's working

I know it is hard but stick to it if you love it <3 I know it is hard to listen to reason though when those negative thoughts start to sink in. I've been there <3
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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I feel like in that same place as well. I feel bad because I'm the admin and I've been so busy as well. I feel like im not doing enough to liven things up... At the same time I can see a lot of people saying they seem to be busy as well. It must be that time of slow activity all around.

the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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i feel a ridiculously obsessive need to tweak the site's skin because I feel people won't stay because it doesn't have certain images in certain places and stuff like that

i also feel bad because another site in my fandom is using the skin i really really want to use

damn u
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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1. i used to not mind advertising until a bunch of sites (usually animal or medieval rl sites on weird hosts) would force me to jump through hoops to link back and do dumb shit like log-in on a guest account or w/e. 

2. tbh i'd end up deleting these ads from our site rather than dealing with this bs and i'm not even remotely sorry.

3. sometimes i would see apps so bad in the notifications thread that i would pretend to not see them until another staff member deals with it.

4. i'm always appearing offline on my staff account so i can multi-edit my 500 wip apps in peace, don't @ me.
last edit on Sept 9, 2018 8:08:23 GMT by Deleted
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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I might be a little pushy? Overly inclusive? I don't know how to explain, bend over backwards to say hello and ask what the person wishes to do with a character. I have this internal fear if I just left people alone they'll be scared of me or I show favoritism for older members? But THEN I worry maybe I'm talking too much, responding too fast, "desperate" I don't know... Just overall fear I kill sites when I join them, because I respond so fast and talk paragraphs of nonsense.

Lol sometimes I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for somebody else to respond, just so I don't seem "overly taking over".
last edit on Sept 10, 2018 18:58:11 GMT by Ginger
aliasRinAma, Kaisa, Vermillion
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kaisaearned bits
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im in the process of building a site and i think....i think im trying too hard. im trying to add things that i dont really need, or trying to frame things in a way i really dont NEED to. im just making things more complicated for myself. and if im having trouble with it, then my members will too.

and that's something i think we all gotta do sometimes; just sit back and tell yourself "stop being such a fucking try hard for rping, you doorbell".
This is such a big mood.

Confession that kinda piggybacks on this: I'm in the process of building a site and I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm just trying way too hard. I want to make the world and the lore awesome and attractive to people so that it doesn't end up to be a massive flop, but at the same time I'm worried that I'm just including too much.

Second confession: I almost constantly find myself feeling like I have no idea what I'm doing, even as staff for another site. I hate it.
last edit on Sept 14, 2018 8:33:20 GMT by kaisa
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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I juggle between making sure all the info is up and worrying that I have too much info... Everyone knows once there's too much people stop reading... or just get lost with all the info... [break][break]

How do I find the happy medium!? I ARE STRESSED OVER THIS...

last edit on Sept 15, 2018 2:20:08 GMT by ✦ MAD
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i think honestly the thing i miss most about being a member instead of being a staffer is being allowed to make mistakes.

as a staffer, i feel like it's my job to behave as responsibly as possible at all times and if i make even a single little mistake, especially on resource communities, it's going to be something that sticks around and doesn't only negatively affects me but also affects the site as well. because people talk, reps travel, and all it takes is one bad thing to completely ruin your rep (and thus drag your site down by proxy) for months to years to come.

it's the worst since i end up second-guessing a lot of the decisions i make (especially hard or messy ones) and i always feel so self-conscious existing in a lot of public spaces talking about certain subjects since i just don't want my sites to be punished because i worded something wrong or something's been taken out of context or i've made an honest to goodness actual mistake that the internet chooses to remember long after i'd made it and tried to make amends or otherwise move on from it.
last edit on Sept 15, 2018 2:35:13 GMT by Kuroya