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Staffing Confessions

phantom of the black parade
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4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i really liked the idea of a confessions thread geared towards staffers and i've enjoyed some of the ones i've seen that were done well so. yeah. uh.

same rules apply as per usual with these kinds of things (no name-dropping of sites or members, no barely-not-explicit allusions to specific sites or situations, no dragging in past war stories of drama and abuse). basically just. keep it civil and remember the golden rule for staffers (and everyone else tbeh): aka that whatever you say on resource sites can, may, and will be attached to you and that several of your past, present, and future members may be on here and paying attention to what you say.

tl;dr confess to the sins you have done while staffing, don't call people out.


i'll start us off with a confession that any time someone mentions finishing an application or otherwise fishes for me to tend to staff work for them (ie saying they're bored or asking if i've seen their app yet), i mentally add 24 hours before i actually address whatever needs to get done. if it's a gentle reminder, that's one thing. but i just. don't like to feel rushed and prodded into doing staff work, especially if i'm trying to do something else.

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pixie pieearned bits
pixie pie
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Sometimes I don't update the face claim for a really long time. Like - a really long time. I hate it and it is always going to be there asking to be updated. I know it needs updating but I just ignore it until it is unbearable to look at and then take the time to do it - which usually cost me a good hour then because of how many claims need to be added. Freaking hate those things D:

Also... I tend to sometimes not link back to animal sites. I leave the advertisements on my site and say "Linked Back" but if I am feeling extra lazy - I won't link back only because do people on animal sites even care? lol Probably not.
last edit on Aug 14, 2018 22:24:37 GMT by pixie pie
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Let's see... This doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened. If I see a really long app that's ready, but I'm tired because it's morning/night (or just because), I'll pretend I didn't notice/maybe even log off until I can prepare my brain to pay attention. If I don't I find myself skimming. 

In fact, that's another confession! I sometimes skim long apps. I adore when I get new characters/members on a site, but sometimes I'm just really not able to focus, yet I don't want to keep them waiting. Not having a staff team has a lot of drawbacks.  

pixie pie Avatar
Sometimes I don't update the face claim for a really long time. Like - a really long time. I hate it and it is always going to be there asking to be updated. I know it needs updating but I just ignore it until it is unbearable to look at and then take the time to do it - which usually cost me a good hour then because of how many claims need to be added. Freaking hate those things D:

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
kappaccino Avatar
In fact, that's another confession! I sometimes skim long apps.

i am literally the bane of the staff team any time i finish an app. i'm really thorough. as in i just finished an 8.5k word app. which, to be fair, loki is painful, he has 1000+ years of history to account for and all kinds of abilities to extrapolate but. yeah. they're gonna kill me.

uh i mean- i confess that my least favorite time of the month is activity check time. i hate having to chase after people to post in checks and i hate that the week of a check is the most active the site's been all month without fail. just. please. in the words of patrick star, "get up, be active, get up, be active, get up, be active!"

i also confess that i'm probably the worst in that every 6 months or so, i just get an urge to hard redo all the lore on the site. i can usually manage to resist it fairly well (and thank goodness i've not gotten any for iw since the last time i revamped the place back in january), but it's still so annoying because i just. see all the things in the rules and lore that i want to tweak up, which usually means expanding on it way more than i ever wanted or needed to.
last edit on Aug 14, 2018 23:20:26 GMT by Kuroya

284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Kuroya Avatar
i am literally the bane of the staff team any time i finish an app. i'm really thorough. as in i just finished an 8.5k word app. which, to be fair, loki is painful, he has 1000+ years of history to account for and all kinds of abilities to extrapolate but. yeah. they're gonna kill me.

Don't get me wrong, my own apps are long as hell! Because I can never shut up in them apparently. I always try to make them short, but I get too excited because it's like I'm discovering the character when I'm writing apps. I don't think long apps are a bad thing, they're just bad to someone who has been hit with the combo of being tired + adhd +
just lazy that hour ahaha.

As for another confession, I tend to let a lot of things slide in apps I've seen other sites pend. If I see a decent amount of notable typos, I just ignore them because I can tell what they mean. If they're juust over the borderline of not being lore-correct I'll usually give them wiggle room instead of working with them to fix it.

However, a connected confession to that is that my mood effects my levels of leniency. I still say I'm a really relaxed admin who just wants everyone to have fun, but if my day in real life has been really awful I find myself minding lore contradictions more. I guess it's like if you spend all day with people being aggressive and dishonest in real life, you start to see the motivations of someone making a character with something that breaks lore (such as a banned OP power) as something intentional instead of accidental.

Now that I'm a hermit I rarely ever have that problem! 

Man I'm probably coming across as an awful admin, but I swear I do my best and these are just the worst traits because it's the thread for them
pronounsany pronouns
282written posts
forteearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
Let's see... This doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened. If I see a really long app that's ready, but I'm tired because it's morning/night (or just because), I'll pretend I didn't notice/maybe even log off until I can prepare my brain to pay attention. If I don't I find myself skimming. 

In fact, that's another confession! I sometimes skim long apps. I adore when I get new characters/members on a site, but sometimes I'm just really not able to focus, yet I don't want to keep them waiting. Not having a staff team has a lot of drawbacks.  

I'm not sure if this is Old News™ or not, but there's an app called spritzlet that helps me with both speed and comprehension. It's just a little thing I add to my bookmarks bar, and whenever I have to read a bio, I highlight the bio and then click on spritzlet. Honestly, I'm a super slow reader when reading posts (hell, I read them the same speed in my head that I read stuff out loud), but I can comfortably read 500-600 words per minute with this doohickey. Makes it so those 10k word apps aren't so much of a time suck.

As far as my confession? I'm complete garbage. ///fingerguns
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
forte Avatar
I'm not sure if this is Old News™ or not, but there's an app called spritzlet that helps me with both speed and comprehension. It's just a little thing I add to my bookmarks bar, and whenever I have to read a bio, I highlight the bio and then click on spritzlet. Honestly, I'm a super slow reader when reading posts (hell, I read them the same speed in my head that I read stuff out loud), but I can comfortably read 500-600 words per minute with this doohickey. Makes it so those 10k word apps aren't so much of a time suck.

As far as my confession? I'm complete garbage. ///fingerguns
Oooh, thank you, I didn't know about that! My problem is that I read really fast normally. If the font is small it's easy for my eyes to slip around and skip lines and then I have to stop and find my place again over and over. Or I'll zoom through the words without them really sinking in and have to backtrack, lol. That site seems like it solves those issues. 
77written posts
murkearned bits
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murk Avatar
back when CT first opened as CCR i made it a habit to sit down every night and read each app so that i'd be able to plot with the members comfortably, but i quickly burned myself out bc of how many members joined within the first month of opening. now where there are 190 accepted characters running around on the site, i can comfortably say that i've only read the applications of the characters i've accepted with some exceptions. i feel moderately bad about it but ; u ; i don't have that kind of time.
( hover )
Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
When I was a quest mod a few years back, I gave our local problematic member a hard time. He requested 10 rare drops (diamonds) in a solo to craft some gear. Me and my fellow quest mod didn't take so kindly to that, but I did give him exactly one diamond.

Of course he complained about it, but it's technically not the kind of drop we gave out so freely, especially when stronger monsters dropped them. He also despised writing solos, but was too determined to let that stop him.

"If you'll only give me one diamond per solo, I'll just have to make nine more, then!"

"You can only do three a week."

I'm usually not so petty and try to be fair to those I don't like, but some people are just hard to work with.
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Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I hate doing apps. So much. I like reading them with the intent of plotting with the character but I hate hate hate reading them to critic for an acceptance. Probably because of past experiences but ultimately it's the one chore I want nothing to do with because I just... don't really feel comfortable doing them. I've gotten better over the years but at the end of the day if I can pass that chore off to someone else I will.
last edit on Aug 15, 2018 5:49:55 GMT by Deleted
aliasvee, vivi
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valkaearned bits
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do u know... la-hee?
Kuroya Avatar
i also confess that i'm probably the worst in that every 6 months or so, i just get an urge to hard redo all the lore on the site. i can usually manage to resist it fairly well (and thank goodness i've not gotten any for iw since the last time i revamped the place back in january), but it's still so annoying because i just. see all the things in the rules and lore that i want to tweak up, which usually means expanding on it way more than i ever wanted or needed to.

if this ain't me idk what is

if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
me: staff should be able to be on as many sites as they want and are reasonably able to keep up with without anyone else negatively judging them or their site for it
also me: *side eyes myself and everyone else when i see staff names on more than 2 sites*

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I used to not have the backbone to pend someone's app because they messed up the code/didn't add it in since the app was fine otherwise, so I'd go out of my way to edit the template in all while chanting to myself: "ravioli ravioli, end my existencioli"

Now I pend apps if the template is messed up, I don't even look at apps unless they're posted in the notification thread, and I will purposefully ignore people who post in the cbox about their app instead. That's character development.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
dandy Avatar
I used to not have the backbone to pend someone's app because they messed up the code/didn't add it in since the app was fine otherwise, so I'd go out of my way to edit the template in all while chanting to myself: "ravioli ravioli, end my existencioli"

lend me your strength to do this when they mess up the claims, i beg u.

aka i guess my confession is that if the only things "wrong" with the app is simple coding fixes or format fixes, i just do it.