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Staffing Confessions

the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
1,556written posts
ullaearned bits
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly
pharaoh leap Avatar
Or just. People being combative about app edits in general. You think I like telling you that you can't do such and such on my site? You think I don't want you to be able to write whatever you want? You think I enjoy being a roadblock for your RP experience? Bro, you better bet your buns I tried to think of every way to incorporate your crazy ideas into a setting that just doesn't allow for it before asking you to make changes and felt guilty the whole time I wrote out that message, but the MOMENT you try to pick a fight with me over it, my sympathy is GONE. If you want things your way so badly, go write a fanfic, sdkjflhdslfkjdhskfjsdh, I'm trying my best over here. *sobs grossly*
i'm getting this tattooed on my ass

in all seriousness, i feel this greatly. similarly, it also really irks me when i feel that some members come into the site and seem to have a bone to pick with me simply because i'm staff or they act like i'm somehow some big nasty tyrant. i swear, i just want to have as much fun writing my characters and plots as you do, but when i feel villainized for staying true to my site's setting and plot... idk, sure there are bad admins out there, but staff are really just rpers too. i think some people can forget that. 
454written posts
pixie pieearned bits
pixie pie
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i'm getting this tattooed on my ass

in all seriousness, i feel this greatly. similarly, it also really irks me when i feel that some members come into the site and seem to have a bone to pick with me simply because i'm staff or they act like i'm somehow some big nasty tyrant. i swear, i just want to have as much fun writing my characters and plots as you do, but when i feel villainized for staying true to my site's setting and plot... idk, sure there are bad admins out there, but staff are really just rpers too. i think some people can forget that. 

but staff are really just rpers too. i think some people can forget that.

This so hard. Please stop treating me like I am a CEO of a major corporation and I need to be professional when it comes to being an admin because I got my MFA in roleplaying with a minor in psychology and I make over 100k a year including benefits being the admin of this roleplaying site :-S

last edit on Nov 11, 2018 23:08:06 GMT by pixie pie
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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i'm getting this tattooed on my ass

in all seriousness, i feel this greatly. similarly, it also really irks me when i feel that some members come into the site and seem to have a bone to pick with me simply because i'm staff or they act like i'm somehow some big nasty tyrant. i swear, i just want to have as much fun writing my characters and plots as you do, but when i feel villainized for staying true to my site's setting and plot... idk, sure there are bad admins out there, but staff are really just rpers too. i think some people can forget that. 
but staff are really just rpers too. i think some people can forget that.

This so hard. Please stop treating me like I am a CEO of a major corporation and I need to be professional when it comes to being an admin because I got my MFA in roleplaying with a minor in psychology and I make over 100k a year including benefits being the admin of this roleplaying site :-S

Haters gonna hate

last edit on Nov 11, 2018 23:57:39 GMT by Deleted
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Phantasm Avatar
naming a site is always one of the hardest things for me

systems and actual writing? pssh I throw effort at that and eventually it'll be fine

the name though is harder

make it one "cool" word? kinda edgy, probably taken, and almost no relevance to the series

series name and just "rp" or a word? cliche, edgy, but does what it says on the tin and that's important

one word/phrase important to the series? good for catching fans, but some people won't understand it and it excludes the vast majority of people that haven't read/watched

i just don't know man

on one hand, it's simple and effective to do Series Name: Blahblah

on the other it's more beautiful to just do Blahblah

129written posts
Y A M S ! ! !earned bits
Y A M S ! ! !
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I get really obscenely happy when members seem to enjoy an event or something I posted up for them!

With events, it feels like it can be hit or miss, but when they seem happy about the build-up to it and participate happily with each other for whatever silly hoop I want them to jump through- I love it!
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
my worst favorite part of site making is the graphic work that goes into adverts.

just. i'm almost never satisfied with how they turn out and/or i end up getting dissatisfied with them 3 months after i made them. but i so strongly dislike trying to make them that i just don't.

i don't know whether it's the fact i'm making them or whether i'm just bad at graphics but i hate it with a passion.

454written posts
pixie pieearned bits
pixie pie
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pixie pie Avatar
I have zero patience for those members who cry that no one likes them / wants to post with them. Then they make a big stink when they leave because not every conversation revolved around them and their roleplaying character.

Zero patience. I'm sorry sweetie but I am not a therapist who is here to boost up your self esteem. I am here so that my man whore womanizing roleplaying character can get some booty. Just joking. I don't play males...
last edit on Nov 23, 2018 15:07:43 GMT by pixie pie