Interest Check: Pokèmon School

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[attr="class","title"]Pokèmon School

[attr="class","title2"]» An original pokemon roleplay
[attr="class","subtitle2"]» The Concept

In order for someone to consider themselves certified to legally capture and train Pokèmon, they have to attend Pokèmon school. Once someone have completed and earned their high school diploma, they can enter Pokèmon Academia and study to become a trainer, a coordinator, a ranger, a breeder, a gym leader or a professor, and upon entering, they're given their starter Pokèmon.

Depending on what the character decides to major in, they learn useful information regarding Pokèmon care and battling, and everything else they'd need to learn for the journey ahead. Trainers, rangers, breeders and coordinators spend three years studying, while it takes professors and gym leaders five years to earn their certificate (rangers, breeders, gym leaders and professors also have to complete a intern program once they've finished school).

While the main focus of the site will be the school, there are room for people to play existing gym leaders, professors, trainers, breeders, elite four members, teachers, locals champions and other characters - or even play Pokèmon, both wild and tame.

[attr="class","subtitle2"]» Leveling, evolution and Pokemon lifespan

The site will be statless, which means that it won't use the traditional leveling system seen in the games.

LEVELING: Think of a Pokèmon's level as part of its age: A Pokèmon cannot be used for battle until it has officially reached puberty, which happens around the time the Pokèmon is one year old. One year old Pokèmon are new to the game and still needs a lot of training and experience. The older your Pokèmon is, the more experience and the better it will be at fighting. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that a five year old Pokèmon will get its ass beat by a seven year old.

If you work with your Pokèmon through in-character threads, train it and help it grow stronger - it will become stronger. This might take days, weeks or even months, depending on how much work you put into it. Effort creates reward.

EVOLUTION: How and when will your Pokèmon evolve? It comes down to the effort you've put into training your Pokèmon and what kind of Pokèmon you've been training. You can also use evolution stones, but keep in mind that if you use this instead of letting your Pokèmon naturally evolve, your Pokèmon will be weaker.

A Pokèmon needs to have reached puberty before it's able to evolve.

OTHER MEANS: If training your Pokèmon through in-character means sound tedious, there's a different way you can ensure your Pokèmon growing stronger and eventually evolving and this is through earning site points.

POKÈMON LIFESPAN: A Pokèmon reaches puberty at the age of one (1) - which makes it able to reproduce and fight, but still need world experience in order to fully mature. At age five (5) a Pokèmon is officially considered to be an adult.

Pokèmon generally share the lifespan of a regular human, though this varies from Pokèmon to Pokèmon. Wild Pokèmon tend to live longer than tame ones. Legendary Pokèmon are considered to be immortal because of the celestial energy coursing through their bodies.

Pokèmon of the ghost type don't die of old age the same fashion other Pokèmon would. Instead, they start fading away once they've reached the end of their natural lifespan.

[attr="class","subtitle2"]» Battles and moves

BATTLING: Since stats doesn't exist on the site, players should pick the way they handle battles themselves. A dice system could be added, or people can write the battles out and decide the outcome between themselves.

MOVES: I'd like to keep things realistic, or rather, as realistic as possible: For example: It makes perfectly sense for any Pokèmon with teeth to be able to use the move "bite", or "growl", but a fire-based type using water-based moves wouldn't make much sense.

The same realism applies to HM moves. Naturally, any Pokèmon with wings would be able to use "fly", whereas, something like "surf" or "rock smash" would take more practice. Your Pokèmon is able to know an unlimited amount of moves, so it's not restricted to the four from the games. Pokèmon can also learn new moves through threads and battles: For example, like what Ash's Pikachu did when learning how to use "iron tail".

[attr="class","subtitle2"]» General info

» Proboards
» Animanga faceclaims
» No canons. Original characters only.


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Catching 101 with the old man, pls.
Here's to hoping this will distract from my lack of basic knowledge with American(?) thingamabobs. IM CONFUSED HALP

The original games had an old man teach you how to catch Pokemon.
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In the pokemon games, there's an old man who will give you the basics on catching a pokemon and whatnot (I think in some of them, he'll give you a tour of a town so you can see the pokemart, pokecentre, etc). xD Pretty sure that's what they mean by "Catching 101 with the old man." xD 101 means "introductory to something."

-Decides to become the next old man and gives you all the 101. B) -

Edit: Finite was too fast for me. :| XDD
I really should have caught onto that, lmao. Thanks for clearing that up! ^_^
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