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pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
eyyyYYYYYY you've seen what we do in the shadows
it's been a while since I've seen it but its pretty decent

also eyes are a pain to draw how do you even, here's what I did today and then there's yesterday's and when you put em together you can see the full efforts of my procrastination
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates

awe he looks so cute and happy thanks for sharing the cute wee guys picture. Birds are really cute
I've only had furry pets or fish so sadly my menagerie is missing feather, this is my floofy lad alfie who's managed to steal away my heart
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
kappaccino Avatar
Found out at the exotic vets yesterday that tiel Pancake has allergies (to spring stuff and his own dust!). My poor darling. 💔 When people say pets take after their owners, I don't think this is what it's supposed to mean.

Is pancake a snake or a lizard? Guessing its one of those two but pets are so sweet, hopefully everything goes well with the little bab ♡
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
swanski Avatar
I've started my own bullet journal today! I hope it lasts for more than the first week.

this is the second year I've had mine, its pretty great I've found it to be so useful when planning and not forgetting stuff. Set a certain time each day for you to look at it and over over stuff for today which you haven't done and set up tomorrow. I normally do this when I get home around 5ish but it can be in the morning or late at night. I'm always stressed that it doesn't look pretty enough, girl just don't compare yourself to the instagram ones because they're professional artists and Im here with my $2 brush and watercolour pencils making a rainbow and a blue splotch

but ye if you want to chat about bullet journals flick me a message her or on discord because I love trying to keep my life vaguely organized
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
sort of want to get back into a casual rp but at the moment I lack the commitment to just finish watching a movie

also I need to make some more gfx but I need a theme and i can't choose
last edit on Mar 8, 2019 10:27:38 GMT by Chaileo ✧
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
okay hear me out, it does take some energy, but i always feel so happy and relaxed when baking, you get some really good food out of it and its great for bribing people with

or you could watch cgi short animated films on youtube they're all really emotional and quite good
pronounsShe / Her
79written posts
Chaileo ✧earned bits
Chaileo ✧
Junior Member
Chaileo ✧ Avatar
Im just awkwardly here for the templates
if you find yourself faceplanting because of some code just click here and watch some happy little ducklings swimming in a bath

also I think KH3 has cause 80% of the people I know to vanish, its like, hey are you dead or just KH3'ing