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208written posts
hellsyearned bits
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hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?
porsef Avatar
it feels really good to just go through the house and scrub everything down sometimes. i feel really good, super motivated, and just... happy to exist in this clean space.

also, as someone who hated driving... i... love it now? it's so wild to me. like i'm so excited to get into the car now. it's very liberating.

Driving by myself with music blasting is :chefkiss: 
208written posts
hellsyearned bits
Full Member
hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?

She wants to scream the unheard pleas in her heart. The steady flow of silent responses to the silent questions he never asked and never told pounding against her skull, threatening to split open if the pressure is not relieved.
Not from my last post, but something recently reread that I wrote. 
208written posts
hellsyearned bits
Full Member
hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?

Quiet steps had carried her this far, knowing that while she could move freely about the castle, she was not to be caught playing with the young master. He had fallen-ill, and she believed it to be fatal, and very contagious. Her mother had called it. . . cooties.