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208written posts
hellsyearned bits
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Why do we sleep where we want to hide?
Miss Melonade ♥ Avatar
hellsy Avatar
Start. a. Riot.

Sorry for the double post but just an update Wife apparently just... doesn't show up in the system anymore, like as if she was never an employee at all??? ugh
I restate my original comment. Start a riot. 

208written posts
hellsyearned bits
Full Member
hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?
Depends on where its posted, but most people who put up a wanted ad are down to be contacted to discuss that wanted ad. So a DM, @ in the plotting section of discord, or a reply to their thread if its on site works. When I want to take a wanted, I'll reach out  and go about it 1 of 2 ways like:

1- Hey, I saw your wanted ad and this was a thought I had about it and the character I would create, does that seems to fit with the vibe your looking for

or just a 

2- Your wanted ad caught my attention, and I was just curious if you could tell me a bit more about it cause I had a few thoughts but wanted to see your vision first. 

In my experience, I am always hella hyped when people are interested and even if its not exactly what I want, it can sometimes really create interesting plots separate from that too. 
last edit on Feb 10, 2022 19:23:05 GMT by hellsy
208written posts
hellsyearned bits
Full Member
hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?
Been wanting to write, but not on an RP site currently. So I'm on my third one shot of the week. Nice to revisit old characters, and flesh out some old D&D characters : )
last edit on Jan 16, 2022 1:15:15 GMT by hellsy
208written posts
hellsyearned bits
Full Member
hellsy Avatar
Why do we sleep where we want to hide?

An inconsequential pet to an ego, pleasantries faked for the sake of seeming amendable to the charade of common interest.

In reality. . . 

She was here to observe, to watch and not miss the fun. Wondering which fragile masculine ego might s h a t t e r first.

last edit on Oct 18, 2021 2:41:53 GMT by hellsy