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aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
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fed up with y'all bitches
keep doing the thing where i unlike a post i already liked because my name isn't in the list of 'liked by' and then reliking it wondering if it looks weird
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
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fed up with y'all bitches
wish people would see posting deadlines as respect for the people putting their limited time in the day towards tending to replying to you as opposed to a limitation and bitchy request. i barely have time in the day to wipe my ass so deadlines help me keep things going and seeing things get done when i have barely any time to rp at all
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
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fed up with y'all bitches
something my dad once told me still sticks with me: the idea of 'we' when you're not part of a team or group. he was sitting in front of the tv wondering why people say 'WE DID SO GOOD ON THE FIELD' when they're not part of the football team running their ass down in a game. i still laugh at him being like 'we? i didn't see you out there' i love my grumpy old man
last edit on Apr 6, 2023 14:42:48 GMT by honey and the forgor land
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
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fed up with y'all bitches
i've been playing milio nonstop because he's an actually fun ACTUAL support. someone the other day accused me of being a 'new champ abuser' and i'm here like: oh god maybe i am though i genuinely play him bc i love enchanters
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
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fed up with y'all bitches
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citrinitas Avatar
my personal opinion is that forum rp isnt dead. people are just far too picky with what they want out of a rp but don't want to do the work of creating a new one themselves. which is valid! creating and running a site is hard, but it's hurtful to those who are running successful sites that have remained open for you to say that the hobby is dead even though we are alive and well.

you just have to compromise and work with existing sites.
this is gonna be a very hot take and I apologize beforehand if it upsets anyone but honestly most of the folks still in the forum rp scene were so used to seeing a new site pop up every other day that practically catered to what they wanted/catered to their oc. they grew a sense of complacency and came to develop this idea that their character shouldn't be the one to budge because they could just put them on a new site. but now that site creation has stagnated, people are forced to compromise and they don't like it and seem to want to make passive aggressive jabs instead.

and I'll throw my two cents in to the aspect of current sites: there's a lot of panfandoms that sprout up and for me personally, that's not my cup of tea. (kudos to those of you who do it, but I'm more fond of playing ocs.) in that aspect, you can't really compromise for your character(s). but you know what you can do? find a site that allows ocs and shape them to fit into the site idea.

"but Howi, I don't like this person and they're on that site!" ok and? no one said you have to interact with them.

"but Howi, I can't bring myself to shape my oc to fit the site idea!" then make a new oc, make this an au on your oc. do anything else but make it everyone else's problem that you don't want to compromise.

ultimately though this is just my opinion. take it as you will, but the point being is that yes, it is extremely insulting to say forum rp is dead when there are sites that have stood the test of time and continue to do so.

another hot take is to just put your pants on and make your OC (ORIGINAL character - who is capable of change, flexibility, and adaptation since it's not a character from a set genre, game, anime, etc) in the given setting of a site anyway since you don't HAVE to adapt to it you can just do your own shit. you don't have to partake in the overarching site plot if you don't want to, you can have your character do their own thing in a generally big setting. it's really not that hard and i feel like people overthink and limit themselves too much when sites are 99% of the time 'write what you want' since staff isn't there to govern how you play your character since ... y'know ... that makes no damn sense when it's YOUR character
last edit on Apr 2, 2023 21:04:50 GMT by honey and the forgor land
aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
honey and the forgor land Avatar
fed up with y'all bitches
lumin Avatar
really don't understand unnecessary animosity when people ask a simple question, you're not being blunt/honest/quirky/whatever other adjective you want to use to describe it -- you're just bordering the boundary between being cocky and being a cocksucker quite honestly lmao

more often than not, a simple 'yes' or 'no' suffices tbh
last edit on Mar 9, 2023 15:17:49 GMT by honey and the forgor land