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the world ends with you

- players get partnered up so they all have someone to plot with right off the bat
- have different reapers take the mantle of the game master every ic "week" so they can plan the missions and such then rotate to the next after the week has ended
- the world ends with you is really cool and the final remix version is coming out please show this game some love
- people who just want to hang out can be civilians in shibuya (then when/if they want to play the game they can die or become an illegal player). players are visible in shops so maybe bend the rules a bit and make an area where players are visible so they can interact with the non-game gang? idk, just a thought.
This sounds really cool in theory xD I don't know the source material remix version duly noted but I'd check out a site based on this.

TO ADD TO MY WISHLIST ABOVE... A fantasy rp site that allows more unusual species such as those from Japanese Folklore would be fun.
last edit on Aug 9, 2018 21:36:33 GMT by zero
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I had the idea today of a site that combines mad max and pokemon, and as niche as it would be...I would love to see someone do something like that.

I'm also always after stuff that involves duos, fantasy (with multiple non-supernatural races and a hefty dose of interspecies conflict), sites that are actively plot driven... Anything with a heavy focus on prejudice between two races and the conflict that brings. I crave that sort of thing.I like things where there are alternate forms too, like in afterschool nightmare.
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I'd love something like this; I tend to make adult witches, but it's hard for me to do them justice on most HP sites. That and the allure of being Hogwarts centric (for me) has waned over the years.
i'm in the exact same boat. i'm so much older now and it feels strange making school aged characters. the job careers in the wizarding world are so unique are i think it would be a blast to explore them!
There is a HP rpg aimed at adult characters:
It is set in the ministry of magic and allows people to rp adult witches/wizards (as a disclaimer, I don't actually rp there myself, so can't give more detail than that).
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so basically everything i code? /shot

This is kind of a 180 but seeing this reminded me of something I've been wondering about for a long time...

What does "/shot" mean? I've been seeing it for years and I've never understood it.
-nudges up glasses, pulls out the trusty urban dictionary-

"/shot is Internet slang for iliterally being shot by someone. It is most often used jokingly, after saying something stupid, troll-like, or anything else worth being shot over."
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And then theres this other thing where a problem member just goes to another staffer to see if they can overrule/overpower you into saying yes or something.

Omg this i forgot about this. This drives me up a wall its like when a child gets told no by parent A so they go to B hoping to hear something different and then has a tanrtum when they dont or gets to delight in watching their parents argue over them getting what they want.

Seriously, unless you asked a mod about something major first or a higher staffer COMES TO YOU WITH SOMETHING DIFFERENT dont drill the ENTIRE staff team about the same queation as if its going change! Even if just one person says yes if the admin says no thats the effing answer.

Not to mention you could end up making the one that said yes feel like shit for messing up by doing that. Its not a positive or good behavior just dont do it.
This amuses me not only because it's happened in rp, but it's happened to me irl too. I've had a person come to me for advice, not like the answer, speak to my manager, not like their answer, then raise a call to the helpline which...comes straight back to me to answer xD

People can be very reluctant to accept answers they don't like. I imagine it's a form of confirmation bias, in that as long as they can get one staffer to agree, they're good to go.
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"Behold, the host of your dreams: Procink!"

That's the line I will proudly exclaim if I ever get smart enough to produce a forum host that marries the best of both worlds. But alas, I am but a lowly soul who can't even boil and pour water properly. I will never be a perfect bride or a perfect daughter.
Donโ€™t underestimate yourself. Mulan saved China :|