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I'm jumping on the bandwagon

- When you are the backbone of your staff team. If you're active and trying to work on the RP, so is the rest of the staff, but once you decide to take a break or hiatus for whatever reason, all progress within the team seems to come to a slow. And then you get a whole mess of "Hey why's everyone inactive?" from members and you gotta point out your own personal hiatus and remind staff to at least continue to pop in and keep the community alive.

- "Hey the faceclaim/availability thread needs to be updated." I'm well aware, Tommy. The fact of the matter is my life doesn't revolve around updating threads 24/7. Sorry your name isn't there, but it'll be updated eventually. Maybe in like... an hour... or five. Y'know how it is.

- When you're the only person that's the most code-inclined and therefore trusted to do most of the work/editing. There have been times when I've sat at my computer for 8 hours or more.

I can understand if it's making a thread from scratch, but come on, Suzie, if it's an existing thread you're trying to edit you can just CTRL + F what you want to find among the gibberish and go nuts.

- When you end up putting big fat notices of "MAKE SURE YOU USE *THIS* TYPE OF USERNAME AND NOT *THIS*" (and believe me, it was big, bold, orange, and below the registration button), but people just either blatantly ignore it or don't care and want to see if they can get away with it. Then there's the whole sob story of "Do I really have to re-create my account?" Like yes, Susan, because it's tearing my OCD apart that your name isn't in order with the rest of the 100+ members.

Oh, and when they take forEVER to re-create the account, too. This especially stands for types of RPs that have a "Verification" system where you gotta be added into a group in order to see the full view of the forum - including critical boards for them to review once they're verified, too.

- When you're a canon-based RP but with custom group names and you know for a fact that a person never read ANY of your info because they used the canon group name when trying to join your RP (ie. if you're in a Pokemon RP set in Johto, but this person says they'd like to apply for being a part of Team Rocket when you decided to re-write the lore and enemy team into "Team Opal"). Please, for the love of god, my fingers were going to fall off from the amount of writing and lore and coding I had set up for your eyes to see. Please use your eyeballs. Please appreciate the custom work that I've been dying to know if you like it.

- When you have a shop system implemented and there's always that odd player that goes "Oh... I have to PAY for that?"

So much for the positivity of trying to create a dynamic RP experience that only requires a couple extra posts to make the moola.

Rolling Skies
A 4 Clanned Warrior Cats RP with a unique hunting/foraging system

Being re-vamped!