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jakkuearned bits
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im just gonna belt out the ideas i had for rp over the years but never really had the structure to put them together hhhh

I. a pokemon x animal crossing(?) x overgrown post apocalypse setting involving a mayor's son making the journey to his old hometown, which is far from the outskirts of the remaining civilizations. mayor's son tries to pioneer this new place as a place to rebuild and calls for people to move in. nothing about zombies, wanted something more nature-y, like grass type pokemons gone wild or something sort of scenery. some town events relate to the community working together to build new town structures like in animal crossing (donations via earned money might be a thing too so that the money can be used outside of buying things for your character, though an in-game house does sound great, as others might be relegated to sleeping in tents at first..?)

not so much battling, though sparring could still be done as a past-time to recall the old days, but the focus is more on town rebuilding, community, and exploration

if someone is actually interested in working this one with me i would be down to exchange ideas via discord! Peony#9759


II. etrian odyssey x isekai x dead and revived in a dungeon to come back to life (i guess this sounds like TWEWY?? but the setting is the labyrinth??) the concept i had in mind seemed to work better as a GM with a DnD group type of thing, especially since etrian odyssey is usually a five person party thing, but i wanted to figure out a way for people to solo explore the labyrinth or work together to climb it and eventually reach their end game prize (or give up and live with the 'NPCs' for eternity).

another defining feature is that i had an idea of a total character limit, which is part of in-game lore. there can only be 100 people on the 'server' at a time, and when someone dies, another soul immediately washes up on the shores of the island town (the only way out is the Yggdrasil labyrinth located in the center of town). thus, some older adventurers act like a welcome party and show them the ropes, and maybe tell them if they want to go to the labyrinth or not. the server's number can adjust but i really dont imagine for there to be more than 100 active characters at a time on this site, idk lol.

though i also had this idea that to prevent people from just always staying in the comforts of town, there is an invisible timer wherein if a player stays in the town for too long, they slowly get affected by a 'curse' that draws them to the labyrinth. its possible that they need to stay in the labyrinth for perhaps at least a day before they feel the curse ebb away for the mean time.

btw, people kind of lose their memories when they enter this game except for a few choice basic information, and if they successfully ascend the floors, they end up recalling more memories. they may not always be good tho skldhksl

this one is pretty hard and ambitious but its just a brain child that's just been sitting in my mind shelf for years lol. i had more ideas for this but i think they've been lost hh