I’d love a mmorpg like setting and not trapped lol! I’d want the game itself to be more fantasy base, though I think things like guns would be okay. But things like planes or phones would be replaced with Magic based tools or items. While the real life setting could be set in like 2070 or something in the not too distant future. While there could be a underlying story for the game, I’d almost like the game be set up for player exploration. Like when the site first launches only a few areas are known but through character actions and events, slowly the world gets fleshed out more.
I would like some sort of class system but I’m not 100% sure how that could be. In my head there would be like 3 or 4 class families being Magic based, stamina based, Non-Combat classes.
I just don’t want a site where it’s bogged down by spell speeds and sizes and all that nonsense. I think stats should and could be implemented without the need for players to be doing math 24/7.
really wouldn’t mind discussing this further and potentially making a dream come true 🥺