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aliascog, nina
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
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Some members' lack of inspiration/interest in writing should never be the problem of other members of your site. It's really awkward to see a site punish actively contributing players by limiting their access to rewards for other players' 'burnout.' Instead of promoting activity, you're just stomping on people who want to be active on your site which makes no sense.
is this in reference to like... site-wide event rewards or something? or general activity? i'm just curious about the scenario you're talking about, because it seems really counter-intuitive to punish activity.
Both, if that makes sense! It does seem counter-intuitive, hence why it's weird to see it in practice.
aliascog, nina
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
Some members' lack of inspiration/interest in writing should never be the problem of other members of your site. It's really awkward to see a site punish actively contributing players by limiting their access to rewards for other players' 'burnout.' Instead of promoting activity, you're just stomping on people who want to be active on your site which makes no sense.
last edit on Feb 6, 2023 22:13:48 GMT by cognizant
aliascog, nina
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
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Sites that actually celebrate and reward high activity and posting more than once a month or like once every two weeks!

Seems like a lot of work for staff to have to keep up with weekly posting rewards, rewards that I feel would get old very quick for most members. 

I've seen sites run by a single staff member that could easily do this but allow me to specify since I fear people may not get what I mean:
Sites that celebrate activity over simply making activity checks (small awards, maybe bonus gold on site or something or little badges for activity I don't mean they have to do weekly awards they present on the week end). Too many sites have members sitting on their laurels posting once every two weeks to barely make activity checks that are lenient as all heck in a society that hordes faceclaims when allowed but that's just me and that's what I want to see!
aliascog, nina
28written posts
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
Sites that actually celebrate and reward high activity and posting more than once a month or like once every two weeks!
last edit on Jan 18, 2023 16:25:39 GMT by cognizant
aliascog, nina
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
I appreciate people letting me know things when I ask but sometimes some of you guys share things I go skull emoji over. In public? For free? To strangers?! UNPROMPTED, NOBODY ASKING?! (Disclaimer: I love learning about you all but perhaps some things are a bit too personal to share in an open site or in general chat in Discord, especially when I know some of you aren't even friends with one another...) Just be careful guys.
last edit on Jan 12, 2023 20:33:10 GMT by cognizant
aliascog, nina
28written posts
cognizantearned bits
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Nothing but a stray Toontown cog.
Find it strange when people not even part of the site complain about said site. Downright strange. Love reporting it to the site admins though!
last edit on Jul 4, 2021 4:35:51 GMT by cognizant