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Hereticearned bits
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Fables donโ€™t write themselves so I lay dynamite to the kindness of my words
Lol, I'm currently having one and needing a break or else I'll scream as codes makes one do because no amount of googling is saving my life rn. ;w; But I was curious as to what you guys do when a section of code isn't working to plan since I'm sitting here like why at mine? Especially if there's a lack of examples of your exact idea? 
43written posts
Hereticearned bits
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Fables donโ€™t write themselves so I lay dynamite to the kindness of my words
I'm craving a grungy dystopian to sink into that isn't too serious (where we can't have fun), but not so laid back there's no thrill of danger in it. I want something that isn't just a social romp, I suppose.
43written posts
Hereticearned bits
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Fables donโ€™t write themselves so I lay dynamite to the kindness of my words
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A supernatural beings RP site that isn't slice-of-life-y.

Also been thinking about an anarchy deal RP. Like criminals, flagrant, delinquents, etc tossed to some trash island to just survive without law stopping them away from the high tech world they're used to.
What part of this is ppl liking, I'm v curious?
43written posts
Hereticearned bits
New Member
Heretic Avatar
Fables donโ€™t write themselves so I lay dynamite to the kindness of my words
A supernatural beings RP site that isn't slice-of-life-y.

Also been thinking about an anarchy deal RP. Like criminals, flagrant, delinquents, etc tossed to some trash island to just survive without law stopping them away from the high tech world they're used to.
43written posts
Hereticearned bits
New Member
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Fables donโ€™t write themselves so I lay dynamite to the kindness of my words
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Maybe an animanga site that caters to one-on-one RPs or something with committed staff who also RP and do staff work. I tried Barbermonger eons ago, but it was kinda dead when I tried.

Forever wanting NieR Automata with playable pods, YoRHa, resistence, and machines along with FFX/FF-something with playable fayth/aeons/etc., or Rune Factory with playable guardians & prejudice toward monsters, AND SO ON

Sometimes, I wish I could make a million boards... but I don't have that kind of energy. ;;
Boi. I'm not much for AU/fandom sites, I prefer originals. But good NieR Automata site where it's loose on the cannon stuff, I'd be hella down.