As much as I might complain about how certain tropes are tired, overused, overly formulaic, and "same old"... I just find it hard to break away from them entirely, often enjoying fictional works with many of the same tropes I'd complained about, and even often using said tropes in my own roleplay/writings.
Like, as much as I might complain about
Masquerade in say, urban fantasy and
why they don't make sense, at the same time I just find it hard to engage with "weird is the new normal" type of settings, and I still find myself gravitating heavily towards high-normalcy, like-reality-unless-noted type settings.
I.e. Monsters, magic, superpowers/superscience, etc. do exist, but hidden underneath a veneer of normalcy that makes the world resemble ours (at least superficially), unless you take a closer look.