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our game of hide and seek has just begun.
they call it 'dopamax' for a reason holy FUCK my brain lately
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
waking up to my back hurting from simply sleeping is the most millennial shit and i hate it
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
i hate that once someone does something to annoy me/wrong me, their existence annoys me. i know it's not a good way to be & i'm trying to change but minor things they do end up driving me up a wall
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
my friends need to learn that even if i know nothing about their current favorite fandom, i WILL go out of my way to learn things so they can talk about it with me because i know it makes them happy.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
i have lost something and cannot find it and i will never know peace again
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
i don't know what to do with myself if i have nothing to do, but i get anxious when i have a lot that requires my attention. make it make sense, please. feels like a constant battle between being under-stimulated and overstimulated.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
my hyper fixation makes it difficult to be productive.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
nothing like waking up at 1:30am to tornado sirens. gotta love it.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
AkiraTsunami Avatar
This isn't a call out or anything specifically related to one person or group of people, but just a general thought I have about it.

Can you trust your staff? Like, as head admin of a site, do you trust your staff to keep things running if you have to disappear for a bit, or do you come back and get really upset that they've done nothing and the site has died or they've answered all the questions wrong or started drama because they don't know how to conduct themselves? How do you deal with that?
i don't make people staff unless i trust them to do exactly that. it's usually why any staff team i have is small and made up of people i've known for years. i hate micromanaging people, so i only put people on my team that i trust to do things without me holding their hand.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
ahh i'm so late seeing this but tysm!! (ยด๏ฝกโ€ข แต• โ€ข๏ฝก`)

in an unrelated note, i recently finished demon slayer and good lord do i like too many men with red flags.
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
you ever have so much shit you need to do but no motivation to do it?
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
y'all i'm tired of fair-weather friends. too old to deal with that kind of shit. i hate when someone is nice to your face while you're on a site and swears they're your friend but the moment you leave for personal reasons they suddenly start acting weird and ghost you. ๐Ÿ™„
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
arranging appliance delivery is a fucking joke and i feel sorry for anyone else who has to deal with this during the supply shortage