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aliaspo, posie
33written posts
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
having one of those "if i just bash my head into a wall, i can't have a bad brain day" days.
edit: fye i also wrote this without seeing your post, it's my turn with the brain cell.
last edit on Jul 17, 2023 15:38:11 GMT by 幽霊 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕥
aliaspo, posie
33written posts
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
i am tired of constantly hurting, my guy.
about to through the whole body out and start over
aliaspo, posie
33written posts
our game of hide and seek has just begun.
lumin Avatar
I don't know why my coworkers come to me with their relationship/marital problems but I enjoy the free tea because I Need To Know the petty shit like why your husband left you and he can't coparent worth shit, Deborah

my line of work doesn't have coworkers talking drama often, but sometimes our clients have crazy shit happening. when we have support requests come in where someone needs to have all access terminated now i just sit there with a surprised pikachu look on my face and i can't help but wonder what the fuck they did to cause that to happen in the middle of a work day.