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dkearned bits
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Story driven AU Demon Slayer RP that starts just before the rise of demons and has more of an emphasis on Japanese culture/lifestyle and less of a tunnel vision on demons as if demons were the only event happening in the world. It would be set in the Kamakura Period (1185 - 1333).
last edit on Jan 28, 2023 8:21:23 GMT by dk
3written posts
dkearned bits
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dk Avatar
As I wait for my idea to garner more possible support, I'll drop this idea here too.

There are a countless amount of Naruto RP sites but most of them now seem to focus on the things introduced in Shippuden/Boruto. But in the beginning of Naruto, the aesthetic was quite different and I liked it way more. What about a site that focuses on the aesthetic of the early part of Naruto with very little concepts from Shippuden/Boruto?
3written posts
dkearned bits
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dk Avatar
An immersive world, chain reaction site with very little systematic progression where every decision you make matters because you only have control over your own actions.

As stated before, you as the player control nothing (including the environment) but your character; but the gamemaster(s) act as the world around you and for any action you take, there is an unsure outcome. (Example: Your character goes into the store, but rather than having a whole scenario planned out of who this character is going to talk to in the store and how the conversation is going to go, the gamemaster would decide who or what you encounter when your character walks inside the store - whether that be a robbery happening, or a stray dog that your character would be interested in making their pet, or the store owner asking you if you need a job.)

By chain reaction, I mean similar to a butterfly effect. In this particular RP it'd most likely be a medieval fantasy setting with maybe one or two modern locations, and what you do could affect things for you or others down the line. Maybe you kill a reptilian but looking from behind a tree was the reptilian's son who now has your face ingrained in his memory and he is vowing to kill you in 10 years. But not just negative outcomes, positive ones as well: you save a woman from being attacked by bandits in the forest and it turns out she was a runaway princess; now forever grateful to you she confuses those feelings for love and wants to marry you and if you accept you become the prince of a powerful kingdom with special privileges. 

What kind of privileges? (and why am I elaborating on this example) Well, although you start off with only control of your character, as you progress in this roleplay, you could earn more characters to control. Now that you are a prince of this powerful kingdom, you are allowed to give orders to the knights. You as the player now unlock the ooc privileges of creating some of the knights and their personalities. Now you have control over your personal character and the knight ones. Because there is very little systematic progression, you could go from a peasant to a knight commander - when you would normally have to grind through several ranks, missions, word counts, experience points, etc. - if you were to capitalize on the right opportunity.

At the highest level, assuming you were to triumph over every obstacle and capitalize on every opportunity that the gamemaster(s) threw at you, you would be able to control almost a whole kingdom. Getting to that level would be no easy task though, but hypothetically it would be possible. And as I mentioned before, what you do could affect others too, but not just a few, sometimes the whole world depending on what course of action you choose to take. With this new kingdom do you want to start a world war to initiate a one world order? Or do you want to pour your resources into developing technology that could possibly upgrade the whole world...or destroy it? 

An example of one of the little systematic progression the site would have would be one's skill in doing certain things whether that be cooking or wielding a sword. That's where things like word count and experience points would come into play.

Above all else though, the site's main goal would be for the overall fun of the players. We would allow the freedom for players do these things to an extent. Anything that would create an unfun experience for majority of the members would last shortly if come to fruition at all. Just clarifying incase anyone reading would get intimidated by the extremely low possibility of world destruction. 

If you like the sound of an unplanned, unpredictable, roleplay adventure than can take the craziest twists and turns, then give this post a like, message me, or reply. Depending on how much interest this receives, I will expand on it more in its own thread.
last edit on Jan 5, 2023 5:18:57 GMT by dk